Anschutz .22 rifle

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New member
Hello All,
I am new to the board and appreciate all the great advice that members have posted to help each other sort out questions and issues.

Here's my latest problem:

I would like to purchase a new Anschutz .22lr and don't know a significant amount about them other than they are beautiful and have a great reputation for accuracy. A few friends have them and I love the feel and accuracy of the ones I have shot. I would like one primarily to spend time on the range with and keep for a lifetime of enjoyment. I do occasionally do informal matches and want to step up in accuracy from my current .22 rifles.

Are Anschutz rifles really " all that " when it comes to accuracy, fit, finish, and reliability? I am a decent shot but by no means a dedicated benchrest guru.

Will I notice a difference between the match 54 and 64 actions? Cost isn't too much of a problem for me, I would like to know if I will notice a difference between the two.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Might want to check out rimfirecentral for more detailed information.

Mine have been great. Action wise, the 54 and 64 are pretty close in bolt travel smoothness. Where it really shows is what trigger you have hanging off of them. The 5018 on a 54 is incredible. IMO, they are of exceptional build quality.

As for accuracy, you can get to the same level, IMO, with any other rifle. It all depends on how much you want to spend to get it there. Out of the box, it cannot be beat (well, maybe with a Cooper, I hear, but I've never shot one of those yet.)

If you want a good all rounder, get an MS, MSR, or MPR.
Thanks for the advice

I have my heart set on a 1700 series classic heavy barrel. It is a bit pricey but it should last a lifetime and then some....

Thanks for the advice and the welcome..

I will check out rimfire central.

The big diferance in the 54and the 64 is the trigger . out of the box accuracy on eather one will be hard to beat . I like the 64MP
I had an oppurtunity to go through the Anschutz factroy in New-Ulm , lots of old world craftsman working there . they know how to put a good gun tougather .
I think you would be well pleased with one.

Check out RFC.

From what I have seen, a Cooper is the only other rifle approximately as good as an Anschutz in rimfire. Not counting custom rifles of course.

Anschutz claims the same accuracy requirements from both the 54 and 64 action. 64 based models are excellent by any measure. But somehow those 54 based models just ooze quality. If the cost isn't a big deal, go with something in the 54 action.
They are worth every penny. I currently dont have one, but think they are just gorgeous lovely rifles. They shoot like a dream. I once a .22 magnum one that I should never have sold.
got my 1710 meister grade about 2 weeks ago, and wow what a rifle. one of these best shooters i have put to my shoulder.
got my 1710 meister grade about 2 weeks ago, and wow what a rifle. one of these best shooters i have put to my shoulder.
got my 1710 meister grade about 2 weeks ago, and wow what a rifle. one of these best shooters i have put to my shoulder.
Beaver, Let me know how it shoots for you

I would love to hear about how well it works out for you. How much more was the Meister Grade over the standard stock? I figure I am only going buy one in my lifetime so i might as well make it the best I can afford.


I can shoot .250 groups all day with Wolf target ammo. Sometimes I shoot some Lapua midas L and get a little better than .250 at 50 yards but its not that much better and 4 times the cost. My 64mpr is awesome.;) :)
I believe the primary difference between the 64 and 54 is the action lock time(54 being faster) and options available(trigger, stock conifiguration). For the competitive shooter lock time can be pretty important but for general use the 64 action would serve most well.
the annie lives true to its name, im still fine tuning the ammo, for now the wolf shoots the best. as far as price of the meister, it was about $150 more, i am really good friends with a ffl dealer so i got it for his price, :) .

sorry about the triple post, it lagged and i got trigger happy
I know of some VERY sereious and high ranking high power competitors that use 64's ( mod 197) for practice and NRA matchs. Having a 64 myself, I can tell you that they ( several I've tried) are capable of 1 hole accuracy at 50 yds. The triggers on the 64 are adjustible below 16 oz and impressive. ( read: I doubt you'd miss the 54 action at any point soon if ever. ) The 64 has been a good investment too. Mine has gone up in vlue since I urchased it 5 years ago.

My only gripe is that they seem to use bland wood on the rifles. A little color/greained walnut would be nice for your $900.
Thanks for the advice

It looks like I am going for a 1710 HB in .22lr
I am interested in meistergrade model, the wood on the standard ones is a bit bland for the money. How much can i expect to be paying for a meistergrade 1710 hb?
CDNN has 1720 for 800 bucks. 22 mags.

we found a used anshutz a few years ago that was just FILTHY, looked like the thing had hung in a chicken coop for years. Scrubbed down and soaked in butches bore shine for a few days, that rifle will shoot sub one inch at 100 yard groups if we feed it correctly, luckly it does like the Federal match ammo at 400 a hundred vs the 800 per 50 that gold medal fetches
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