Another Wrench in the Works


New member
I've always been one that is able to bound out of bed, fully alert, without having to "shake off the cobwebs" as some put it. Now, however, I've been on blood-pressure meds, as I suffer a bit from borderline hypertension. My medication works well down here, but even better at my new place where I am more relaxed. Last Friday, while there, my wife woke me out of a sound sleep for a bathroom visit. She's handicapped and I have to help her, especially with her CPAP. I am used to sitting on the bed for a few seconds to equalize, but this time out of a sound sleep, I simply got up. At the TV stand, I felt woozy, reached out to grab the stand to steady myself, which usually works at this point, and the next thing I remember was looking up at the ceiling wondering what the hell that sickening crashing sound was.

The crashing sound, as you may have guessed, was my head hitting the corner of the chest of drawers behind me. I never felt it, but somewhere in a dream state I heard what sounded like connecting perfectly with a softball. In a daze now, I reached back to find the top of my head severely bleeding. Walked over to the horrified wife, took off her CPAP, and promptly passed out again. Somewhere along the way, I went down for a third time, while soaking a washrag with blood for maybe the sixth time, before finally sitting quietly, fully clothed, and waiting, at the wife's insistence, for my brother to come and take me to the hospital where seven staples patched me back up. Just had them out today.

Yes, I'm probably lucky to be alive, and grateful, you betcha. But I can't help thinking that I am no longer in the camp of those that are fully physically prepared for most things as soon as I wake up. That's going to be a bitter pill to swallow, so to speak. Something to think about for those of you taking anti-hypertensives.
If I were you, I would give your doctor a ring. It is possible that your medication is dropping your blood pressure too low and it may need to be titrated to your needs. The doctor may have you come in for a while and check blood pressures laying down, sitting, and immediately upon standing.

The real way to get an accurate blood pressure is to have the patient sit quietly for at least five minutes, then take a minimum of three readings at least a minute apart, discarding out-liers and repeating until you get consistent readings. How many times have any of us actually had that done, though?
I hope you are better, and please take care.

I am not a doctor but from personal experience that advice sounds good. Low blood pressure will have exactly the result you described, dizziness and loss of consciousness on arising too quickly.

I just got back from the Doc. My problem is that while down here, the medicine works good, but while up north, where I'm far calmer, it works a bit too well. So, he's been experimenting with the dosages to find a happy median. He says he'd actually rather see me borderline high than too low. I agree, so I'm going to keep testing BP, exercising, and trying my level best to remain calm, no matter where. Unfortunately, here in the Detroit area, that's a tall order. Meanwhile, getting into a seated rest position for twenty seconds before arising is the order of the day.
Jumped up quickly one morning and headed to bathroom……felt a little dizzy…

…woke up to my wife yelling and pounding my chest.

No meds involved; just low blood pressure. Low blood pressure runs in family.

I figure I’ll just stay in bed and try to not shoot my foot…
My situation was that my Dr. would rather see the BP a little high than too low. My BP drops as much as 30 pts from sitting to standing. I had wanted it to always be less than 140. However, if it was say 130/ it might be less than 100/ standing. At times it was below 80/ standing when it was 120/ sitting. I had fainted a couple of times in the night when I got up to urinate.

I still have problems with wild swings, but am willing for it to be 140 - 150 if that is what it takes to keep it in a "non faint" range when standing.

Hopefully your Dr can get your BP regulated. Hang in there.

I once did CPR on a woman in the aisle of a church, in the middle of a morning worship service, when she felt dizzy and self-medicated with her husband's nitroglycerin. The upshot was that she was already dizzy from low blood pressure, and the nitroglycerin sent her blood pressure even lower. The pastor saw her slump, stopped his sermon, and asked for help for her. By the time I got to her she was blue and had no detectable carotid or peripheral pulse. CPR was successful. Her husband complained because her chest was sore afterwards, said that we did CPR too vigorously. Just can't win on some days.

Sorry, mods, for the veer away from firearm topics, but I wanted to emphasize that low pressure can be a serious medical problem, with or without a handgun in the belt.
Postural hypotension. Go get your BP meds adjusted. Describe exactly what happened to your physician.

Good luck.