Another whacked-out writing assignment


New member
Heard this one from a coworker this morning.

His 12-year-old son was given the assignment of imagining Dracula had turned him into a vampire. He was then given the task of describing how he would choose his victims, and how he would strike them, then describe his victims' suffering.

Fortunately, my coworker had the presence of mind to tell his son not to complete it, called the teacher up this morning protesting the assignment, and politely requesting that his son be given something else to write about.

Strange that the same system that has denounced guns as evil would be promoting violence in other forms as a means of self-expression.

Life gets more interesting by the day...


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Baring fangs, Renocula, the blood-sucking Attorney General, hovered over the hapless villagers who held up the Constitution, their only talisman to ward off evil...

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
This is crazy, and I'm at a loss to come up with any acceptable rationale for these type assignments.
Last month there was the one in Ohio...assassination of a famous person. There are a host of topics that could demonstrate analytical, organization and logistical planning capabilities much better than these.

Maybe my paranoia is surfacing, but the only thing I can come up with is profiling and entrapment.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You did note that Halloween was three weeks ago??

You are a werewolf.. frankenstien.. vampire.. gill man whatever. Chances are it was pretty darn harmless and the teacher was making an attempt to get the kids away from a "boring" writing assignment.

Just my 2¢

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Maybe my paranoia is surfacing, but the only thing I can come up with is profiling and entrapment.
Move to the head of the class. What you said bears repeating. I wouldn't refer to it as paranoia though, just clear thinking.
CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited November 24, 1999).]

I think we are vigilant, not paranoid!

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
My two younger daughters graduated from high school a few years ago. The older of the two is somewhat reticent and attracted little attention from teachers. She's like her Mom.

Alas, the younger! When she is pushed, she immediately pushes back. (Where do kids get these "attitudes"? ;) )

A teacher was asking each student, "What do your parents do for a living?" (Interesting use of the plural, yes?)

Also, interestingly enough, she was taking *notes* on each child's parents. (?)

When it became Vicky's turn, she said, "Dad's a teacher. He teaches first aid and CPR."

The teacher was offended. She laughed derisively and said, "Your Dad's no teacher! He's not certified by TEA (Texas Education Agency)."

Vicky: "As a matter of fact he is. He has to be because of some other classes he teaches."

Teacher: "No he's not. If he were certified he'd be teaching in school - not some stupid first aid class."

Vicky: "That stupid first aid saves more lives than your stupid biology class!"

Teacher: "You'll answer to the Principal for that smart remark, young lady!"

Vicky: "And you'll answer to my Father for YOUR smart remark, old lady!"

And I got to go to school ... again. (sigh)
And I got to make more enemies ... again. (sigh)

Kids these days. (Our source of hope!!!)

BTW, two additional points of interest:
1) Vicky's the one who shoots my 1911 without blinking or flinching. :D
2) Vicky and I went out for supper that evening. Just the two of us. We had a long talk about buttheads - their care and feeding, etc. - especially when they have "situational power" over you. ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 24, 1999).]
Dennis, maybe you would have preferred:

Vicki: 'My father is an hired assassin. He kills people for the government that are a threat to national security.'
Woo-hoo! Get 'em daughter of Dennis!!!

Her attitude may have been a little brash, but fully justified in the face of that teacher's arrogance.

God, I hope that, if and when I start my teaching job, I never get "uppity."


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Believe it or not the writing assignment may be a 'sensitisation exercise'. You think about who will be a victim, how you chose that victim (were they weak, shy, unpopular), how you would strike. Then you have to put yourself in the victims position. Being thought of like that by others and the pain and suffering that your actions would bring.

It is an anti-violence exercise to get the attacker to empathize with the victim. Techniques like this are used on gang bangers to make them understand what they have done.

Not saying that is what this teacher is doing, but it is a possibility that needs to be looked into.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited November 24, 1999).]