another suppresor question


New member
I am hoping to get word on my purchase of a class III Uzi any day now, yesterday was the 3 month aniversary of the BATF cashing my check. That said, when I get the uzi I am planning on then getting a can for it, either a 22lr or 9mm suppresor.

If I go with a 22lr suppresor I can then have my ruger 10/22 threaded to accept it, and the thought has occurred to me that it might maybe also work on a 223 rifle? They are both basicly 22 rifles in some senses, would a 22lr can work on my ar15 and mini-14?
Shortly after I got the suppressor for my AR I got a .22LR kit for it. I called AWC and inquired if I could use the .223 Suppressor with a .22LR.

Their response was that you could and it would work but not as well as a dedicated .22LR Suppressor.

Thinking critically here for a moment if that is the case I would guess a .22LR Suppressor would work even less good with a .223. (that is if tit could even be used because of bullet diam and internal suppressor design). The reason being is that the chambers are "tuned" for a specific round. My guess is that .22LR chambers would be smaller and not able to contain the gas volume of a .223 where as a .223 Suppressor has large chambers that will capture a .22LR gases but is not "tuned" for a .22LR.

I'd look into a .223 Suppressor. Being "tuned" for that round it will work perfectly on your Mini-14 and AR and very well on you 10/22.

With my .223 shooting .22LR Hyper-Vels all I hear is the sonic crack of the bullet (surpriseingly load BTW) (but as a sonic crack traverl 90 degrees from the bullet the bullet path you target doesn't hear it until the bullet mis.... passes. <G> )

And with .22LR Sub-Sonics all you hear is the hammer strike and target impact.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited August 05, 2000).]
I guess I'll go with the 223 can then, thanks for the advice.

Which leads me to another question, are post ban rifles allowed to be threaded for use with suppresors?