Another Shooting

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A shooting in Annapolis/ Maryland ist reported by TV, will this madness never end? When will the USA have a normal gun law where insane killer don't get a gun? Every week you can read such insane events. How dramatic for the families of the victims. I hope that a rethinking takes place and in a distant future a normal life is possible in this sick country. I hope that in the future you get a responsible Government that cares for the people and their lives. It is not normal, that everyone can get a pistol. Ask the families who lost members.
WhT do my rights have to do with the action of a criminal? My rights have nothing to do with crime.

When is murder going to be made illegal? Oh, wait
What is OP?

Original poster.

The problem is gun control has been proven not to work. Look at Chicago, Los Angeles and other areas with strict anti-gun laws and high violent crime rates.

The gun Genie is out of the bottle. Not going to put it back in. Millions of guns on the street and porous borders. Not going to remove the guns, so another solution is needed
Gun Control do work! You can see it in central Europe. I don't say it works immediately, but it works and you need a good, well trained police in sufficient strenght .
That's the problem, your gun rights are more important for you than the lives of the people.
Wow... next you will invoke "it's for the children...."

A citizenry armed is the bedrock of a true Republic where The People retain sovereignty. And that that kind of Republic comes at a cost.
Right now I count roughly 1.5 million in its defense.

And oh yeah... I just can't wait to be like central Europe.
We don't know enough about this incident to discuss it intelligently, and we are definitely not going allow it to be used for uninformed emotional arguments about gun control. That's not something we do here.

"OP" is the original post or original poster.

And how about, for once, we don't blame people who had NOTHING to do with the criminal act, and don't try to punish them for the illegal acts of others???

How about we don't blame the gun, but the person who pulled the trigger?
How about we recognize the fact that until a person commits a crime, they are NOT A CRIMINAL!!!

How about we recognize that the same national media that is covering this shooting completely failed to report a shooting a couple weeks ago where the gunman was shot and killed by armed citizens (NOT police) before more than two innocent people were shot.

you do know that we already have laws that say it's illegal to shoot people for fun or profit, don't you??? People having guns legally isn't a problem, people using them criminally, is.

Sure, because your rights allow criminals to get guns.

No, they don't.
No, my rights haven't helped criminals get guns. What I note is how this story hit CNN very quickly, but I can't find a single mention of the recent Philadelphia shooting which left 1 dead and 22 injured. Hmmm, maybe because the Philadelphia one looks like gang violence?
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