Another shooting in a No-Safety Zone (church)

cornered rat

Just hearn on the ardio: some psycho killed his mother-in-law, wife, kid and a by-stander, the last three in a shurch. Happend somewhere in the South, detail anyone?

The lesson from this is -- let others carry everywhere for self-defense. However, how can we counter the more publicized spin advanced by HCI&allies on TV, radio, etc.?

Cornered "but cheery" Rat
The shooting occurred in Gonzales, LA which is just outside Baton Rouge. It seems as though this may have started out as a domestic dispute. The shooter shot and killed his wife, young child (no age given yet) and mother in-law at home , then went to a church and shot a couple of more people and finally took his own life. Details are kind of fuzzy at the present time. If I learn anything else I'll let you know.
Seems that, had a single other church-goer been armed, this psycho's career as a mass murdere would have been over MUCH sooner.

Sheeesh...and here we are, at least some of us are sitting ducks just like them.

>GONZALES, La. (AP)--The pastor had just started reading a Bible
>lesson about being born again when the gunman kicked open the doors,
>fired twice into the ceiling and ordered everybody to hit the floor.
>He then marched down the aisle, shooting between the benches as
>screaming parishioners scattered in horror and pausing once to
>calmly reload. Among the crowd, police said, were the man's wife
>and child.
>"His little boy turned and said, `Daddy.' That's when he shot.
>He hit his wife first and then the baby," congregation member
>Lolita Enkadi said.
>"And then he just started emptying his gun. He shot one in the
>back of the head. We were all trying to get down. I just lay on
>the bench and started praying."
>The gunman's two family members and another member of the New St.
>John Fellowship Baptist Church congregation were killed. Four others
>were injured, two of them critically.
>Police say Shon Miller also shot his mother-in-law to death at
>home, before traveling the few blocks to the one-story stucco church
>20 miles southeast of Baton Rouge.
>"The safest place in world I always thought was a church and now
>that sanctuary has been broken," police Chief Bill Landry said.
>"We'll all be a long time getting over this."
>Officers said it took three hours of searching around the single-
>family homes and winter cabbage gardens near the church in this
>small town of 7,000 before they found Miller.
>When they discovered him in a shed about 100 yards away, he tried
>to kill himself, Landry said. An officer blasted the pistol out
>of his hand with a shotgun at close range, wounding him. Miller's
>condition was not released.
>Miller will be charged with four counts of first-degree murder
>and three counts of attempted first-degree murder, Landry said.
>When the firing started, about 50 to 75 worshippers were inside
>the building where the congregation is holding services while the
>big brick church down the street is renovated.
>The Rev. Wilbert Holmes said he thought it was some kind of prank
>when the gunman burst through the foyer doors.
>"Then he started shooting," Holmes said "I would think I was
>his easiest target. Everybody else was sitting down."
>But his targets were in the congregation.
>The shooting lasted long enough for the gunman to empty one clip
>in the semi-automatic pistol and then reload and continue shooting
>into the pews. As he left, Holmes heard him mumble something like,
>"That will show you."
>Authorities said the other victims included a 53-year-old woman
>and 19-year-old man. Two people were hospitalized in critical
>condition,and two teen-agers were in good condition--one of them Ms.
>Enkadi's 16-year-old son, Donald Rideau, who was shot in the leg.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited March 11, 1999).]
I'm glad to say that in my state it's okay to carry in a church, unless the church posts a sign to the contrary. Fortunately, many churches that publically oppose concealed carry on their premises do not post signs.

A state legislator recently introduced a bill to ban concealed carry in churches, so that, he claims, "people will have somewhere to go without fear" (fear of what!?)--this is of course typical of the screwy thinking of anti-gunners. Obviously there's a lot more to fear from creating self-defense-free zones than from whatever "fear" the legislator is talking about.
Can we make an info packet that would describe exactly how and why CCW permits meke such shootings less likely to occure and, if they occur anyway, why the attacker can be stopped before multiple innocent get hurt?
Just a few additional details concerning this case. Shon Miller, who murdered his wife, 2 year old son, mother in-law and another member of the church he shot up in addition to wounding 4 others was apparently law abiding enough to delay his murderous rampage until after a restraining order that kept him away from his wife and family expired. I guess that cooling off period didn't work this time.
After exiting the church, he hid in an abandoned shed where he was discovered by the police. Threatening to kill himself, he kept the police at bay. After an hour of negotiations, a police sharpshooter was able to fire a single shot through a hole in the wall of the shed, hitting Miller's hand and cracking his 9mm handgun in two. That had to be a hell of a shot!
After arriving at the hospital, doctors were forced to amputate the trigger finger of his right hand. In addition, a bullet was found in Miller's spine that will paralyze him for life. The source of this bullet was apparently a misfired round when a police officer fell on his gun as he was rushing forward to arrest Miller. I wonder how long it will be before this guy files a lawsuit against that cop.
Concerning a pamphlet, cr, I'm going to contact the LP; perhaps they'll take an interest. They're small, but they've more resources than we do.
These State laws prohibiting CCW in a church (or anywhere - for that matter) are ABSURD TO THE MAX.

How can any place be "the safest place" to be", if it is not guarded and physically protected?

Thus, it is in everybody's best interest that these laws be recinded.

~Douglas in CT :)

[This message has been edited by Douglas in CT (edited March 13, 1999).]