Another school shooting


Staff Alumnus
Courtesy of Neal Knox:

Oct. 27 update - There's been another school shooting -- this one in a middle school in totally gun-controlled totalitarian

A teacher and six students were wounded according to an Associated Press story based on a report in the Beijing Youth Daily
and other newspapers.

The perpetrator was a drunk school guard armed with an illegal homemade hunting rifle belonging to a school official, who had
loaned the gun and ammunition to the shooter.

With rare exceptions, no one but police and military are allowed to have guns in China, and the exception guns are tightly regulated, registered and licensed.

Dear Feds:
You can't have them. Stop trying to take them.

ps: BITE ME!
The report says "drunk school guard," as if the state of drunkenness may have been a contributing factor. Nonsense. Drunk or not, only a monster hurts children. Note the number-- this was intentional. I have guns, and I keep liquor in the cabinet and beer in the 'fridge. Although I never mix any two of these components to prevent terrible accidents, I do use them all, on occasion.

That said..

Say, Dennis, while you're up-- this bottle of Shiner Bock seems to be defective... :)

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited October 27, 1999).]
What the article doesn't say is that
1)Gun control doesn't work
2) Only we who read it and the immediate families of the victims and LEO know of the incident
3) The drunken guard will be executed with a bullet to the brainpan by Tuesday next and his family sent to a permanent "re-education center"
4) The victims families will be officially threatened and watched..."keep your yaps shut or you will be re-educated"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
This proves again that there are monsters (as well as good people) in EVERY country!

Mine's empty too. I got the last one. Your turn! :)