Another school shooting...

Danger Dave

New member
I hate for this to be my first post...

I just heard on the radio that there's been a shooting at a high school in Conyers, Georgia (about 20 miles east of Atlanta). At least 4 were wounded.

Here we go again. I think things are going to get much, much worse before they get better.
From what I just heard on the radio, the shooting occurred at a high school in Conyers, GA.. Four students were wounded, none seriously, by another student using a pump .22 rifle. The shooter has been apprehended.
NBC News...
6 wounded, none critical, no deaths. Shooter in custody.

What do ya wanna bet the shooter won't get max sentencing?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Any word on the age of the shooter?

I gaurantee he won't get the maximum penalty. You think of how many laws he (assuming it was a he) broke (e.g. gun-free school zone, multiple counts of attempted murder, aggravated assault, etc, etc), then knock off all but 1 or 2 charges in the plea bargaining (which he gets to serve concurrently, of course) and I bet he'll be out in 3 years or less, if he goes to jail at all.

Just as a side note, I've always wondered why "attempted murder" carries less of a penalty than murder. If the action and intent was there, why isn't the penalty the same? Instead, we send failed murderers to crime school (also know as our prison system) for a few years to learn to be more succesful violent criminals...
Latest that I've heard is that six are injured, and one, a female, is in critical condition. As far as the age of the punk who did the shooting...although unconfirmed, many students have been reported as saying he is a 15-16 yr. old sophomore...

I know this is a bit off-thread, but since it was brought up...
Dave, about your comment that the penalty for attempted murder should be the same as wife and I whole-heartedly agree! I mean, you did after all try to kill someone, but you weren't successful either because you're too stupid or unlucky or didn't plan right, or the victim-to-be was lucky, or put up a fight, or someone else intervened, etc, etc, etc. What's the difference whether you were successful or not?
Fox news is reporting that the shooter was at last partially motivated by having recently broke up with his girlfriend.

As a side note, Conyers is the location of the "Glock Annual Shoot".. hte largest GSSF event for Glock Owners.

In typical media fashion, our local radio news guy, who was obviously reading the wire report, stated the kid used a "pump type 22 shotgun". I wonder just how many sheeple believe that?
Latest reports...

A vice principle diarmed the weenie, who then broke out in tears. "His girlfriend broke up with him 3 days ago and he was mad about it".

Let's contact Congress...pass a Federal law preventing girls from breaking up with weak little punks.....after all it wasn't this jerk's was the girl and the gun. Make her parents responsible, afterall, girls are dangerous to young males and exert undue influence. Since abortion is available, her parents made the conscious decision to have an unlicenced girl with no locks or safeguards. Fry her parents!

I am being sarcastic

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, there should be mandatory 5-day waiting periods before breaking off a relationship. We should also have to register any relationship with the local authorities. There should be a minimum training requirement before applying for a permit to carry on a concealed relationship.

Hell, why not just ban all relationships. When relationships are outlawed, only outlaws will have relationships.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

Don't forget, the must be a fee for each and every relationship permit. We have to close the loopholes! No accidental meetings are exempt...mandatory Federal sentencing for unlicensed and concealed relationships. Relationship records will be kept for subsequent required registration.

Cities must sue clothing; cosmetic; and personal hygiene product manufacturers for their evil marketing practices.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Here is some news some may or may not have heard. At Heritage High School (the School the shooting took place) there was two sucides by the students there last week. I got some knowldge of the area because my wife grew up there (she went to the high school across town). There was a total of six students shot, one is in critical condition. The shooter was talked down by the assissant princple, the shooter layed down his weapon and the police arrested him.
When I hear more I will try and post it.
I'm afraid that the emphasis will not be on the relationship but on the organization he was a member of.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Classmates described him as ``kind of quiet'' and a member of the Boy Scouts. School Superintendent Don Peccia said he had no disciplinary record. ``We had no reason to suspect this student at all,'' Peccia said.[/quote]

For once, I hope his troop didn't have a shooting program. If they did I fear that the Boy Scouts will be under alot of pressure to change.


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 20, 1999).]
Don't worry about the Boy Scouts. We've won out over liberals, atheists, gays and everyone else who has tried to attack our moral convictions.
There are three different citizenship merit badges that are required to make Eagle Scout. The Constitution is required reading.
One of the goals of scouting is to promote good citizenship.
We stand by our principals and don't take no crap from anybody!
Grayfox, don't take what I wrote the wrong way. I, my son and my father have been or are active in Scouting. It is one organization I have respected all my life. What bothers me is the use of the "Boy Scout" label I saw in a headline. As law abiding gun owners we know that the first step in demonizing a group is to point out every error by a member of that group. Before long, the media mentality depicts all members of that group as crazy, misguided or worse.
I always thought that the Constitution would stand, but then I am an old guy who was taught civics in school by proper teachers who believed what they taught. I am just not so sure if anything or anyone can stand up to the one sided garbage being pedaled today.
I'm sorry that I cannot put this in better words. I hope you understand.


[This message has been edited by DHH (edited May 20, 1999).]
Ahh... DC & DonL, what about teenage boys & "accidental discharges?" - what's the penalty? ;)

Regarding the shooting, why not pass a law that gives 50 YEARS MINIUMUM for ANY SHOOTING in school grounds (no appeals allowed), might give the little snots somethin' to think about !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
HS, "accidental discharges", I love it and LMAO. Slick Willy would be guilty of that now, wouldn't it? I mean, there was evidence and everything!

The problem with trying to pass a 50 year minimum sentencing law is that the sheeple continue to coddle "kids", thinking it's inhumane to sentence someone so young to serve out the vast majority of their lives behind bars.

After Littleton, there was one fella ranting on TV, I think it was the publisher or editor of Rolling Stone, a rabid anti-. One talking head said something to extent that these kids broke already existing laws, and there wasn't a need for more laws because they were already criminals, and Mr. Rolling Stone actually exclaimed something like, "These aren't criminals, they're only kids!" I was stunned, my wife was stunned, my brother was stunned as we watched this. The talking heads on the idiot box were stunned as well, allowing Mr. RS to rant on. This is what I'm walking about. Kids will be kids, mischevious and all, but there is a line that we all can agree shouldn't be crossed. The far left liberals simply want to keep pushing that line farther and farther away from what many would deem reasonable.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.