Another school shooting


New member
This time at a High School in Canada. A 14 yr. old student shot 2. I dead. Another example of how gun control works.
I better watch my words here ... I can't help but point out that I noted some Canadians were quite holier-than-thou in many of the RKBA threads at Rosie O'Donnell's discussion forum. [Please have mercy on me - I only went there after seeing the link on TFL. I did not inhale ...]
Almost certainly the Colorado shootings had something to do with it and that is; it was seen on the news, all day, every day since it happened.

The two shooters got exactly the kind of fame they desired. You would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't know their clique's moniker, if not their names.

This goes to show the influence (and liability) of Hollywood and the media. We should advocate the suing and restricting of all media to Rosie Odonnelish "happy happy, joy joy" drivel. I know that goes counter to practically everything we stand for, but these people need to feel the squeeze like we are.

To illustrate: Marilyn Manson (yes THAT cross-dressing freak who by the way can't sing worth a damn) had the balls to point the blame finger at "easy access to guns/gun in general" as the reason behind the Colorado shootings. This, after canceling his last few tour stops for being inappropriate (actually the venues were mere minutes from canceling HIM) and vehemently denying any responsibility for the shootings. These people need a swift kick in the nuts to get their heads on straight!

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited April 29, 1999).]
It's amazing some of the crap that flys the airwaves on 1st Amendment Airlines. However, as the classic case of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater goes, I'm starting to think that so, too, is a lot of this 'kill your parents' kill the teachers, kill the cops, kill [whatever your adolescent angst tell you to]' crap. Take it a bit further to Hollywood's glorification of violence (also amazing how some of the worst [in terms of vilence] flicks come from PC anti-gun weinie directors & actors). Not any easy question, but IMHO, exhortation to riot and mayhem is much more contributory to the recent tradgedies than inanimate objects,if ya catch my drift.
Not sure where I saw it on the net first but what ever news organization it was made sure to print a map and state that the school was 50 miles from the US boarder. I am afraid the US gun owners will eat this one too!

According to FOX News, the father of the dead boy believes the "shooting was sparked by the killings in Littleton".

The killer used a .22 cal rifle. I guess next we will hear calls to ban anyone under 21 from having a .22.

Locally here in NY several 8th graders were arrested when they went to school with a manual on how to build bombs and a hit list!

I guess they forgot to bring their guns!
I heard a radio report about the Canadian shooting that partially blamed the "sensationalistic media saturation" of the Columbine shootings as a partial cause, as well as Hollywood, shock rock, et. al.

"Sensationalistic media saturation". I kind of like the term. Conveying information about an event is one thing, but causing widespread fear, instigating copycat wannabes, and mentally traumatizing students across the country is another thing entirely. Of course, we'll never hear the media admit they screwed up. First Amendment rights, you know.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Lessee if I understand the business model - you need readers/viewers to sell papers, magazines, air time/ad space.

Balanced reporting requires people to read, analyze, think for themselves = boring + work. Sensationalistic media saturation = titilate and pander to base instincts, no though/work involved. Bulk of Amurrican public is stupid/lazy. Which sells more? See, capitalism at work.

The only way this will change is when we make the price of stupidity and sloth a lot higher or get people to believe that they have a stake in all this. It has been said that it is maybe 5% of the population that actually carries/preserves the culture of a society. While there's no shortage of finger pointing, IMHO, all this violence stuff is a sickness of the heart. You can't blame it on any one factor. During the Viet Nam era there was a saying to the effect that a society that hates its young has no future. I can't put a catch phrase on this one yet, but I believe we ALL need to get better, I just wish I knew how. M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited April 29, 1999).]