Another school shooting


New member
just heard on the radio that they had a school shooting in Georgia. i didn't catch all the details, but think they said one girl was dead.

fiat justitia
@##$%^&**. I wish they would start using pickup trucks, instead. Then the media could seek to outlaw tactical assault SUV's...Then we could say:

"Guns don't kill people, Explorers do".
John Ross, a friend of mine and author of Unintended Conaequences was interviewed in Missouri after one of the school shootings. He put his serious face on and proceeded rather tounge in cheek. He said that in a way, it is a good thing that the media demonizes guns. That way, kids choose to shoot a few students or teachers, rather than simply putting bicycle locks on all the doors and setting two 5 gallon buckets of gasoline with chunks of styrofoam in it on fire next to the intake for the ventilation system.

They actually ran the piece. He is waiting for the kid that does it and the entire county population that sues him.

Rob, the sad part is that some kid will probably do it, and he will get sued.

fiat justitia

You know, I've had CNN on all day and havn't heard a word about this. They are too busy telling everyone how the Senate is shirking their duty to hold a real trial and convict the Pres.

This one is sad. Its not the kid that goes on some rampage and shoots into a crowd room. Its osme guy and his girlfriend in the bathroom. The girlfriend is dead, but the boy is still alive. they thing it waseither a attempted murder-suicide, or a double suicide. the couple was having problems. I just can't figure our what kind of relationship problem you have in high school that would lead to such a thing.
you must not be in highschool yet... ;)
Just kidding.. I can certainly imagine some kid being screwed up enough (especially because of a relationship) to kill himself in Highschool. Often, it is not as much a hopelessness about a situation, but a lack of having learned that "everything will work out, if you perservere"

The first major crisis can often be the worst.

Gee high school maybe i'll go there after my finish my 7th year of 8th grade.
True high school suck, but it only gets worst, at least that the way I see it. Well until you turn 18, then they let you get big guns, and then at 21 you can get smaller guns, and then at 65 you can start sittin' on your ass all day shooting that guns you've acquired in the last 47 years, assuming you can get social security to pay you. At least I think thats how it works. I haven't gotten to the 21 part yet, but give me 4 months and I'll tell you about it.
Whats gonna be sad besides the death of the young people is that the media will work this story for the next week at least, bring added sorrow to the families of the people who died, but ignoring the real problem,
many kids these days don't get the attention they need to deal with their problems in healthy manners, so they resort to extreme method of problem resolution.
I was lucky, my family was finacially stable, and my moms bosses were always kind enough to give my mom flexible hours so that she could be there for my sister and I.
The high cost of living, and the material world that we live in makes it more and more difficult to give children the proper guidance that they need. ok thats enough of my social commentary.

I am truly saddened to hear this.

I am sure to be angered by the media hue and cry for further curtailment of our god given rights.

Many assert that the second amendment gives us the right. It does not, it recognizes what the document as a whole asserts is universally self-evident.

I could not imagine having done this in high school thirty years ago (I graduated in '68)!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

Well this sucks.


(You would have to live in Atlanta to get that joke.)


Mouse Assassins inc.
I heard on the news tonight that the gun (a .22 pistol) was taken from the girl's father's locked safe. I assume the young woman knew the combination. I can just see the Atlanta Journal's editorial page in the morning, repeating their weekly appeal for more gun control laws.

Terry, i'm glad you said that you heard something about it, as i've been watching the news and have heard nothing else on it. i was beginning to think i was hearing voices again. it is truly sad.

fiat justitia