Another reason to be armed!


New member
This weekend my SO was walking my dog around the neighborhood when she noticed a male, dressed rather shabbily, looking at her intensely. Normally our dog is really friendly and will approach people. But this time, he growled and was in a defensive posture.

So she kept sight of him and just kept on walking. Incident over. After she told me, it concerned me that one of my neighbors might be a criminal. A quick check on the local sexual offender's website did not catch this particular person, but I found several others that are dangerous living in my neighborhood.

Maybe now I can convince her to go CC. (At least she will carry mace)

This is the local URL for sexual offenders in VA:

I suggest you all check out your neighborhoods to make sure IF there is a threat, you know about it. After all - the first step in avoiding a trap is knowledge of its existence.

Good luck all, and from now on, I will be carrying an extra MAGAZINE when I pass by this neighbor's home.
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Yer a trouble maker, Chis, lol. :D 'Twas wondering how long we'd go before someone would take him to task on that...

It's good to know your neighbors and those kind of sites are important to have access to.
Wasn't that guy that shot up the cops in Georgia few weeks ago up on sexual assault charges??? I myself refer to magazines as clips quite often...only because years of military/law enforcement have taught me otherwise..didn't ever really make any sense to'll get the idea, right? Kind of reminds of manuals that refer to "depress the pedal"???..what the heck is that??...Sorry, my mind is just old and presently "partly cloudy".
Curry dat extra clip G! haha Jk! I don't blame ya for being careful. I'm not too worried about myself, there are bad guys everywhere, doing a search for them would just make people more paranoid because those are the ones that have been caught and recorded.

PS..It's called a mag or magazine ; )
"Clip" may sound better, at least in your view, but it is an incorrect term.

Okay, how is this "another reason to be armed"? Sexual predators, known or unknown, can show up just about anywhere as can other criminals. So, you should already be armed anyway. If your new reason to carry is because you might/do have sexual predators living in your neighborhood, the I think you missed the boat on your reasoning. Neighborhood sexual predators are just a specific type of a much larger problem that already have penalties, such as rape

Your SO noticed a shabbily dressed man who eyed here and you were concerned that one of your neighbors might be a criminal. Does that guy look like or dress like the other folks in the neighborhood. If not, then maybe he is an interloper and so checking the sex offender database would not do you any good as you don't know who he is, where he lives, etc. so as to be able to determine whether or not he is a sexual predator.

Your suggestion to check local records to determine if there is a known sexual predator in close proximity to your home is a fine idea. You found you had several "dangerous" people in your neighborhood. Unfortunately, you have only identified one type of dangerous person. Still lacking are folks who may do many other types of crime that might endanger you, such as violent crime offenders.

So you are going to carry a spare mag when you go by that guy's home. If you think he is a threat to you and your wife. then why in the world are you passing by his house?

Good point. The main reason is that the way the homes / streets are constructed in my neighborhood, this is the only decent full circle block that has low traffic.

Probably not worth the risk though. As usual you make excellent suggestions.
Have you seen their pics? Most states have a scanned pic of the predators. None of them would show up on the cover of GQ anytime soon.

Remember most guys who show up on COPs are wearing wife beater T's. Not exactly a fashion statement.