another question for you USPSA shooters


New member
how many rounds is there in a normal match?
i used to do some action shooting and normally it was right at 100 per match if i remember correctly but i was courious how many is in a normal USPSA match
In my Section, the typical round count is closer to 150, with one club's matches often running very close to 200. When I started shooting in '97, those same clubs were closer to 120 average.
Local club match 125-175 depending on the amount of stages. Most of our stages are 20-32 rounds. Makes for a fun day slinging a bunch of lead
Be sure to bring enough to be able to re-shoot a stage or two. Just in case.
(or if there's an all-steel stage - sometimes the only way to finish it is to fix bayonets and charge!)
Club matches, who knows. Free from some of the course design strictures I've seen 40+ round field courses. Or 30 round all steel courses. I bring at least twice what I think I'll need. Local indoor IDPA would let you shoot the match again if there was time, I'd do it with a different gun, or maybe shoot it right handed or something, easy to run through the ammo.
The max is 32 rounds per stage so use that A's your guideline. We shoot a big 100+ shooter 7 stage match here in OKC once a month that runs about 175-200. We also shoot an indoor 4 stage match that runs 75-100. Just bring 50-100 extra A's running low and not having backup mags isn't fun.