Another poll


Staff Alumnus
From another board found out about a poll being taken by the Detroit News on sueing gun manufacturers. On this poll you can vote the Democratic way-vote and vote often. Go to
FAL308 -

Tried to go there, could not get there. Netscape said the server did not exist. What gives??

Freedom is not Free
Wow! Voted in the poll (80% 'No' at this time), and looked at the letters. And, letters, and letters ...

Either the cat has their tongue, or the Detroit News isn't publishing any 'Yeah, I'm glad they got sued' letters. Where is HCI when ya need 'em to post some of their illogical lies?

Maybe, just maybe, this is so absurd that it won't end as badly as I sometimes fear.

But, I'm not holding my breath ... ;)
Sorry about that. But that's what happens if I'm allowed too near a keyboard for too long.

[This message has been edited by fal308 (edited February 23, 1999).]
I hit the News' web site about every day. I only saw two (2) letters that were anit-pirvate firearms ownership and pro "sue the gunmakers". :)

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
I put in my vote and then read some of the letters. If I tried to read all the ones against the suits, I'd have been there all night. :)
I just voted (again? ;) ), and found the poll at the bottom of the page, indicating that it may disappear soon into some archive or other. Currently holding at 81% against anti-gun suits, and 18% for anti-gun suits. Vote while there's still time.
OK guys, the polls run only so long in the NEWS and then they stop in that you can no longer "vote" but you are still able to send in letters regarding various subjects.

I must say the News is willing to let its readers vote on issues of various types at their web site while the Detroit Free Press is unwilling to do so.

As they used to say in Chicago, "Vote Early, Vote Often"

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum