Another P7 Question


New member
OK. I've heard about the extractors breaking in the P7 series. Anyway, I think the extractor on my new P7 is broken. It's the little piece that grabs the bullet and pulls it out right after it fires. Part of it serves as a loaded chamber indicator on some guns. It's there, and it's in place, but it is very loose (I can move it about a quarter of an inch with very little pressure) and I had a few stovepipes when I shot it last. Is that a broken extractor? If so, what do I do? Should I send it to HK? Should I take it to a local gunsmith? Should I try to fix it myself, and if so, how?
Hello. The extractor should require quite a bit of pressure to move. It sounds like either the extractor or its spring is broken. A 'smith could determine which if you're not comfortable removing the extractor yourself. Best.
When you move it, does it return to original position?
If it does, your extractor is not broken. P7 only uses extractor as a secondary device and in dry cycling, so the spring is weaker then on the other guns. As long as ther is no play in extractor and the movement is limited to one axis, you should be OK
Actually, I find the extractor on my P7M13 to be relatively easy to move. It's stiff, but it's not hard.

And yes, it SHOULD return to the "at rest" or flush with the slide position when there isn't a round in the chamber.

If it stays up, you've got a problem.

The stove piping is likely due to an ammo issue.
Take the weapon to a gunsmith who is certified through HK and have him check it out.

A bit of trivia to amaze your friends at parties: The P7 series is one of the few weapons on the market which will feed, fire, extract and eject with a broken extractor. HK reps used to fire several magazines out of a P7 that had had the extractor removed.

Sounds like it may just be my paranoia. The range I usually go to (Big Al's in Hallandale, FL) has a used P7M8 for sale. I think I'll stop by and check the extractor for comparison's sake.
(A minor correction)


Not meaning to flame or seem aloof but when you pull the slide with something in the chamber (during shooting), the extractor is pulling out either a casing if fired or a cartridge if unfired. The casing is the cylindrical brass and the cartridge is the entire round. The bullet is the slug that comes out of the muzzle.

The extractor on the P7 I have on hand is pretty easy to move with finger pressure.

Sounds like either the extractor pin or spring may have a problem--if you look in the diagram in the owner's manual you'll see the parts in question. If you change them, make sure you don't mix up M8 and PSP parts--in this case they're different.

I have a bunch of P7's, all of which I bought new, and none have ever had anything even remotely approaching a floppy extractor.

It's extraordinarily rare to get stovepipes with a P7--I've never personally seen one in at least 20k rounds fired from M8, M13 and PSP's. I'd get this checked out with a decent HK armorer--John at HK Sterling knows his way around this stuff if you don't have anyone more local.

Best of luck