Another P7 Question


New member
OK. I field stripped it and cleaned it. But I hear that I'm supposed to clean out the gas port. I assume that's the thing under the barrel. Is it? And how do I clean it? Do I need a special tool?
Yes, the gas port is the thing under the barrel. You need the special cleaning tool to do it. I don't have the tool yet either. You can call HK and ask for a manual; they may send the cleaning tool with it.
Yes, you do need to use special tool to clean the gas port. It is a ream suplied by HK. If you don't have one, you can use .22 brush, but be very carefull.
carefull cleaning...

just a couple of small tips to bear in mind while cleaning:

1. after cleaning, don't leave any lubricant in the cylinder or the heat of the gas will turn it into varnish.

2. don't overdo cleaning on the piston (the dangling rod w/rings under the slide), the rings need to remain sharp and full diameter to seat the gases in
The P7 cleaning tool is pretty unique, and you really should use only it to clean the gas port.

You should be able to find them for sale on the web.