Another One Hooked


New member
My youngest son's best friend went hunting for his first time with my sons and myself, during Missouri's firearms deer season this November.

Never having much exposure to firearms, he's been a fairly regular tag-a-long to the shooting range with us for a couple of years now.
He's done pretty well with a variety of firearms on paper and clays.

Took him to the range alone in October with a couple of suitable rifles and let him choose the one that he would hunt with.

Opening day was a bit slow for the four of us this year, maybe because there were four of us, two still in their teens.

But that magical last hour of the day went perfectly.


No monster, just a very big bodied, acorn racked seven point, that was an unbelieveable monster to one very proud 18 year old.

No sooner had we loaded it into my truck, than he was on his phone purchasing another antlerless only tag for the following day and the remainder of the season.

He since came to me for advice deciding which brand rifle in what caliber that his mother should buy him for Christmas this year.
A woman who was initially very apprehensive of firearms and of him going to a shooting range with us.

My youngest has already purchased him an optic for it as his gift to him.

I'll be loaning him a muzzle loader for the December portion of our season here.

Yep, another brought into the fold. :)


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Excellent work! Sounds like the beginning of a lifelong hobby. Thank you for helping the next generation of hunters learn the sport. If we don't do some teaching and help new hunters get started the sport will die.
All that target shooting paid off. Poked in the neck I see. "Now the young feller he's addicted forever.
Gee that >is< a big bodied Buck. Field dressed what do you suppose the 7 point weighs?

Y'll had a good time no doubt about that. "Well done sir."
Field dressed what do you suppose the 7 point weighs?

I can't say for certain, as we process our own and don't have a scale, if I were to guess I think he was tipping 200 lbs. dressed easily.
I've hunted that property for more than 30 years off and on, his is one of the largest bodied deer that I've seen taken, bigger than any I've tagged there.
Great story and good job on your part. Hope the young man and his mom enjoys venison. I always enjoyed mine with eggs.