ANOTHER ! ! ! Officer's Weapon Accidentally Discharges By STUDENT In Local School

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Local officer has gun discharged by student


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Nothing like carelesness when it comes to teaching kids gun saftey. Officer was lucky no one was serioulsy injured.

follow up article about the weapon

Gun That Discharged Is Standard Weapon For Officers
Trigger-Located Safety Means Gun Is Easy To Prepare To Fire

The gun that accidentally discharged in an Anderson County school Wednesday was a 40-caliber Glock, the weapon of choice by about 65 percent of law enforcement officers across the country.

A firearms expert said that the major advantage of the weapon --- its ease of firing -- can also be considered a danger.

"If you put your finger on the trigger and you pull the trigger, it is going to go off," said Capt. Matt Culbreath, of the Clemson Police Department.

Culbreath is a firearms instructor at the Criminal Justice Academy.

"It's very reliable and that's the key to any weapon that a law enforcement officer carries," he said. "But any weapon can be dangerous if it's not handled properly." (duuhhhhh)

The Clemson and the Clinton Police Departments are among the law enforcement agencies that have switched to a gun holster that makes it more difficult to access a weapon. Both departments have had Glocks go off accidentally previously. :eek:

Culbreath said there is no traditional safety on the Glock's trigger mechanism. He said if there were, it would create a delay in firing the weapon.

"If this weapon had an external safety -- either a de-cocker or a safety -- it would be right here, so you'd have to manipulate it with your thumb before the weapon would fire," said Culbreath.

Culbreath said most officers -- when faced with an emergency -- need the speed of the Glock.

The weapon does have two safety mechanisms. One keeps the gun from firing when dropped. The other keeps it from accidentally discharging if the trigger is not completely engaged.
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This is another occurence this is not the DEA guy it is a school saftey officer who was trying to tell kids how secure his firearm was A student got their finger in the trigger area of the holster and the weapon discharged :eek:
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And as I said in another forum, WHY are they allowing these feds to bring live ammunition in a class setting in a school??

Something's gotta be done about that.
"If you put your finger on the trigger and you pull the trigger, it is going to go off," said Capt. Matt Culbreath, of the Clemson Police Department.

Thank you officer, for pointing out the blindingly obvious. If you put your finger on the trigger and pull its going to go off. Geez, who would have guessed that? Of course, if you know the rules of safe gun handling I have to wonder what your finger is doing on the trigger unless you're ready to fire.

Both departments have had Glocks go off accidentally previously.

No the guns didn't just "go off accidentally" unless there was some sort of manufacturing defect in the gun. More likely, a negligent or careless officer accidentally fired their weapon. The weapon didn't accidantally discharge, someone accidentally discharged their weapon. Big difference.
Chris in VA

This was a school safety officer who works at the school . . . not an instructor or outside teacher . . . he is supposedly trained to keep the schools safe :eek:
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