Another of my interests

Way cool! Thank you, I bookmarked the site.

The one marked "long and thin", do you figure that could have been a knife rather than a point?
Absolutely. Many forms, even some of the shorter ones, were indeed knives. Most folks just call them spears or arrowheads, incorrectly.
BB in SC
What a great collection!

I used to gather points down in central Georgia, along the Oconee River.
The one artifact I have that is really impressive is a grooved axe head, it is ready to go into a museum.

Up here in the North Carolina mountain I have not found as much as a single flint flake.
I am northwest of Asheville 25 miles, near Marshall. Very mountainous terrain, I own 48 acres and have 2 acres that are flat and they are not very flat.
There is a creek that borders my property. When the guy was plowing the field next to it, I waited for it to rain just like I used to do in Georgia.
I went down there after a rainstorm, not as much as a flint flake.
In central Georgia any time I looked at a freshly plowed field near a creek or river I found a bucketful of flint flakes, as well as pottery.
My property overlooks the French Broad River, if I ever see a plowed field near the river I will give it a try.
<When the guy was plowing the field next to it, I waited for it to rain just like I used to do in Georgia.>
Yes, that's the way we do it, and find stuff at MOST of these spots, but not all.
<My property overlooks the French Broad River, if I ever see a plowed field near the river I will give it a try.>
Again, sounds like a plan. You should score there.
<very nice, If you find any artifact guns give me a call!>
That's Hawg Haggan's catagory! :-)
BB in SC
I've seen some flint knives in museums but never up-close & personal. I've always been intrigued by flint knives ever since I saw a fellow out west using one to skin out a mulie - short with a lot of curve and quite effective too. I've yet to get one for myself yet but I know this indian guy from Mexico that can make me one ... and I may just have to twist his arm a bit!
I have a 50 year old cousin who has hunted indian, Revolutionary, and Civil war era artifacts in Kentucky since he was a little boy, he has many musket balls, arrow heads, locks, cannon balls, and other things that he has found over the years,He also found the skull of an Indian girl when he was walking along the Ohio River. He turned it over the the authorities and they gave it to the college that is near where he lives. He even gave me one of the locks that he found. when i get back to the states i will try to get in touch with him and get some pictures to show you guys.

Im currently stationed in New Mexico and there is supposed to be a place up in the mountains where im at that has a few Indian artifacts, ive been wanting to go up there, but dont really wish to go alone, due to the simple fact that to get to it is about an hours hike from a dropoff by a waterfall.