ANOTHER 'nuther one bites the dust


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From the Baltimore Sun (1-5-00)

Robbery suspect shot by guard at shopping
Police seek 2 accomplices who stood outside store

By Nancy A. Youssef
Sun Staff

A security guard shot and wounded a robbery suspect after the man
allegedly pointed a gun at the guard and a jewelry store clerk at
Towson Town Center yesterday afternoon, Baltimore County police

Police said they are searching for two accomplices who were
standing outside Mark Douglas Jewelers on the fourth floor of the
mall at the time of the shooting. Four other employees were in the
store at the time. None was injured.

Police said the security guard became suspicious of the three men
because they returned several times to the store.

"They had been walking in and out, separately, of the store
throughout the day, which alerted the security guard," said Cpl.
Vickie Warehime, a county police spokeswoman.

The shooting occurred about 12: 35 p.m. when one of the men
walked up to the counter, reached into his waistband and pulled out
a handgun. The security guard, employed by the jewelry store, shot
the man once in the stomach, police said.

"The suspect staggered into the doorway where he collapsed,"
Warehime said. The other two men began "running in opposite
directions." The wounded man was taken to Maryland Shock
Trauma Center, where he was reported in serious but stable
condition. Police did not release the name of the guard or the

The guard is employed by Esdibar Security Inc., which lists a
Rockville address. Company officials could not be immediately
reached for comment.

Mark Douglas Jewelers is an Ocean City-based chain with six stores
statewide. Company officials declined to comment.

Employees next door at the clothing store Talbots Kids moved their
customers to back rooms and locked the front doors. Nearby stores
also locked their doors and front gates.

"We heard one shot, and I heard a lot of running," said a Talbots'
employee who asked not to be named. "We went to the back, and I
locked the doors. I kept peeking to see if it was OK to come out."

An employee at Hold Everything, a storage containers store, said the
gunshot echoed loudly, and she saw the security guard standing over
the suspect.

"I just heard the security guard say `Don't move, don't move,' and he
had the gun in his hand," she said.

Some mall patrons were frightened by the incident, while others
hovered near the crime scene.

"People were taking pictures. Isn't that weird?" said E. J. Johnston of

A mall official said no changes are planned in security arrangements.
The mall employs about 200 security guards. A handful of stores hire
their own, said Christopher Schardt, the mall's vice president and
general manager.

"Unfortunately, we can't prevent the ills of society," Schardt said. "I
don't know what we could have done to prevent this."

Originally published on Jan 5 2000

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.