Another Mosin Nagant 91/30


New member
I figured since all the Mosin Nagant threads lead me to buy a 91/30 at yesterday's gun show, I should post some pictures. Maybe you guys can give me some info on what I bought. Only thing I know so far is that it's an Izhevsk arsenal rifle, receiver ring is stamped 1944, I assume that's year of manufacture. On the side of the receiver is what appears to be a serial # (importers SN?) and there's another roughly stamped number on the receiver ring as well as all the parts, all of these numbers match. The number on the receiver appears to be Russian with an upside down L and a backward N preceeding a 4 digit number number. Got what I consider a good deal on it, with tax $109 out the door. Took about 2 hours and 3 cans of brake cleaner to get all the cosmoline out of it.



Good Deal!

Stu 925--By today's pricing standards, you got yrself a good deal. And if you like simple, indestructible, rifles, you'll love the Mosin! BTW, thanx for including the nice pictures!

All-matching serial numbers makes it more desirable. Therefore, I'd keep it "as issued" were I you. If you have thoughts of sporterizing a Mosin (I'd go with a non-historic Mauser, but to each their own) get one made up from miscellaneous parts. It'll shoot just as well, given a decent bbl, but the crufflers (military firearm collectors) won't cry as much when they see the pretty Boyd's stock, Timney trigger, and replacement sighting system.

The collectible ones get fewer every day.

And, shooting it as issued is a hoot anyhow.

Looks good to me. Now load up some ammo, and shoot it. Also get some stripper clips and practice loading them.

The Mosin takes some getting use to, but it doesn't cost nothing to work that out.

Load up about 10 dummy cartridges, get a couple stripper clips and practice loading with the clips. Also learn to work the bolt without taking the rifle out of your shoulder. Lots of dry fire will get that down pat.

Then you are ready to shoot some CMP GSM Vintage Military Rifle Matches.

Practice (dry firing offhand) Rifle Matches are won or lost standing on your hind legs not on your belly. The long barrel dampens movement helping in offhand (standing) shooting.
I'd say a good deal :)

I saw one yesterday at our gun show, in better condition that quite a few I've seen going for $125.
I'm planning on keeping this one in it's as issued state, never really considered owning a M-N until I saw all the threads here. I have a friend that got taken a number of year ago on a 91/30, barrel was so worn and pitted that it would keyhole every shot. Decided for a little over a hundred dollars I didn't have much to lose. Hopefully I'll get to the range with it sometime next week, weather permitting. Hopefully this one will shoot as good or better than it looks.

soon to be mosin owner

you people are making it hard not to buy a mosin!saw a few at the gun show for 120 bucks. guess i might take the plunge!:confused:

Congrats on keeping it "original" as issued.

Now when you fire it, you may find it shoots high. Most do, (mine shot 8 inches high at 100 yards).

If you find it does, PM me and I'll give you detail instructions on fixing it. It dosn't cost anything, easy to do, and keeps it "as issued".
Kraig can you make a new thread on how to make it shoot lower? I have that problem with both my mosins(original form)
I bought a M-N at a gun show back in December and I have almost finished sporterizing it. The only thing left is to upgrade the trigger. I am totally pleased with it and am planning on buying another at the next gun show that comes to town. Just a note, the sliding scale on the factory sights is set up in meters. 100 meters is approx. 110 yards. That is why they shoot high.
the sliding scale on the factory sights is set up in meters. 100 meters is approx. 110 yards. That is why they shoot high.

Not quite:

A 150 grn. .311 bullet (7.62X54) will only be about 1/4 inch high at 100 yards when sighted in at 100 meters.

Mosins typically shoot 6-8 inches high at 100 yards. There have been many theories as to why. Some say they are made to shoot with the bayonet attached, some say Russians are taught to shoot at the belt buckle. Regardless, they shoot high.

You can put your bayonet on the rifle and see if that works but I don't think I'd mount a bayonet and attempt to fire a CMP GSM Vintage Military Rifle Match.

Personally, I like my sights to work on a rifle. I don't want to hold under 6-8 inches, yet I want my Mosin to remain "AS ISSUED" to meet CMP Vintage Rifle Rules.

My Mosin has a excellent barrel, but it shot "8" inches high at 100 yards. I did some calculations and determined that .0061 change in elevation would change the impact 1" at 100 yards or 1 MOA.

I took the rear sight off my rifle and milled .0488 off the bottom of the Slider ( thats the part that slides up and down raising or lowering the sight) so it would set .0488 lower on the rifle. (8 X .0061 = .0488).

I put the sight back on the rifle and found it would shoot POINT OF AIM on the NRA SR-1 100 yard reduced target when the target was set on the 100 marks, it also works when set on 200 at 200 yards, 300 @ 300 yards, etc etc.
(My range only goes to 400 yards, I assume it will work at other yard lines as well.

It's a simple process. There is a pin that holds the sight on the sight base. Push that pin out, and the rear sight comes off. You don't have to remove the slider from the sight. Turn it over and fill, mill, grind, the bottom of the slider to allow it to set down farther on the sight base (mine again was .0488). Just be careful to keep it flat and straight so it doesn't set cock eyed on the base. If you don't have access to a milling machine, take care is grinding or filing the sight so as not to take off too much. If you take off too much you can still use it, but your sight settings wont match the marks.

Then put the sight back on the rifle, when done, you can't tell any modifications was done by looking at the rifle. This does not impact the "as issued" status.
The actual bore diameters can vary on these. You may want to consider slugging the bore to find what the bore diameter is. Looks like you got a good deal.
There were lots of changes in Russian rifles. The rear sight of the original 1891 rifles are not calibrated in meters. They are are calibrated in "Arshins". One Arshin is the span of an average man's step. It is equal to 28".

200 Arshins is 200 X 28= 5600 inches divide by 12 = 466 feet or about 155 yards.

Russia went to the metric system in 1928 so the 91/30 rifles are calibrated in Meters.

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So went to another gun show this weekend to see the dealer I bought the rifle from. Got the Bayonet and accessories kit for it for $15, not that I need a bayonet, but for $15 why not. Still haven't shot the rifle yet, hopefully this week I'll get to the range.

Strat688, that has to be one of the nicest Mosins I've ever seen! Great job on refinishing it.

It looks great. Maybe you should start a thread on how you did it.