Another M27-2 question


New member
I already did the search and came up empty.

Can someone tell me the manufacture date of a S&W Model 27-2, 6 1/2" blued .357 Mag?

Thanks in advance.

early/mid 1960's

Per Supica & Nahas, the 27-2 was made from 1961 to 1980, but the the 6 1/2" barrel was dropped in 1967, so I'd say yours falls in between '61 and '67.
I guess I could have included the serial number, huh?

S2 67x xx

I also have a Mdl 15-4, 4 inch, SS, .38 spl. serial 30K9xxx.

Thanks again.


The 27-2 would be circa 1966~'67.

The 15-4 would be circa 1978~'79.

I'm sure someone else could narrow it down further for you.
GunsnRovers - thanks again, I would never have guessed the .357 was over 35 years old. It's in great condition, and in my dad's hands, well, let's just say that bowliing pins at 30 feet don 't stand a chance!

Thank you again.