Another letter to Judy

Miss Demeanors

New member
Here is what I sent Judy just a few moments ago. I did alot of research and even my own experiment and summed it all up, let me know what you think. I will post any reply I get from her here.

I understand that we will not agree on this issue of gun control, but I am hoping you will once again take the time to read my email and try to see the points I am trying to make. Like I said before, I really do understand where you are coming from, you are basing your opinion on what you have found. But to be honest what you have found is incorrect.

First please let me comment about the "assualt weapons" The weapons you are thinking of are called fully automatic weapons, which are already banned, the manufacture of these guns for the private citizen was banned by Regan via executive order in 1986. So no new ones since May 18,1986. I have provided some links at the end of this letter, I hope you will take the time to look at them. They will back up just about everything I am saying here. These semi-automatic weapons are rarely used in crimes, it is such a low percentage. You can look for yourself by contacting the Technical services Branch of the BATF in Washington DC. As for people that own them and not going to a range, that is not true. Many citizens own this type of weapon because it is an excellent choice for self defense. Yes, they do take them to the ranges, how are they going to practice? Do you think they practice on drive by shootings? No, they go to the range just as your husband does. Because a hunting rifle is just as powerful as these "assualt weapons." Its just the look of the guns that make it different. As for the Columbine shooting, those kids didnt walk in and "mow" down the classmates, if you saw the news or read any articles about it, those kids were shot one by one, single shots. If what you are saying is true alot more than 12 people woud have been dead. Not so many people can dodge bullets that are being sprayed through the air. They also had homemade bombs throughout the school. Do you think that we should ban propane tanks also? I think that will do a little more damage than a gun, will also kill many more people. Now that is common sense. Do you honestly believe that if none of this stuff were legal then there would be no crime? If so, you must logically conclude that since making something illegal solves the problem, and since the manufacture and importation of cocaine and heroin is illegal in the US, that we do not have a drug problem in this country. My little one will be starting school soon, yes I worry about that violence, yet I would feel better in knowing there is more security in that school, such as metal detectors. Banning an "assault weapon" is not going to make me feel safer. Criminals do illegal things that is a fact, by making these guns illegal is not going to stop them from commiting crimes or going on a shooting rampage, but a metal detector WILL stop them from bringing that gun in a school. There is no need to ban something that will not make a change, but there is a need to add something that will make a change.

As for these "cop killer" bullets. First of all I really would be intrested in knowing where you have seen these Ads for the bullets. I also think that if you have seen these ads then the ATF would be very intrested in hearing from you. You have got your information from an incorrect source. Again, please look at my links there is much information about these bullets and the true story behind them. I asked a few Law enforcement Officials about these bullets, and you know what they said? They are not worried about them. Now they are the ones on the line her, not you or I, if anyone would know about this it would be them. If I saw them worried about it, then it would be a whole different story. As for this bullet penetrating through a protective vest, well almost all RIFLE ammo can do that, including that ammo of your husbands. There are all sorts of vests that the Police wear. Most chose the lighter weight ones for comfort, yet there are heavier ones that will protect from rifle ammo. Perhaps you should write someone about making a more reliable vest that is light weight for the Police. Seeing that we have so much technology these days, I think that can be done. Not one Police officer has ever been killed by a so-called "cop-killer" bullet. It is a proven fact and is provided in the link below.

As for the robbery and shooting in LA you once again do not have the full story. In doing research on that, I found that the reason these Police Officers were out gunned was by choice, it was because of the politically correct chief they had would not allow them to have weapons in their patrol cars to counter a threat that the Officers may encounter. The Police went down the street to a gun shop in North Hollywood and were loaned Bushmaster rifles with ammo and magazines to shoot back with. The robbers were using illegally manufactured assault weapons. The entire incident was illegal. It was illegal for them to buy those guns, illegal for them to be in possession of them, illegal to convert them into assualt weapons, illegal to rob a bank, illegal to take hostages, illegal to discharge a weapon in city limits, and illegal to shoot at Police Officers. Banning a certain type of gun would not have changed this scene at all.

As for the NRA and you thinking that they do not want to compromise on anything, you also have incorrect information on this. The group you are thinking of is Gun Owners of America, they do oppose regulations on all firearms at either a federal or state level, from what I have learned. The instant background check was fully supported by the NRA. As for the saftey locks, it seems that many manufactures have included saftey locks with firearms for years now. The reason the NRA opposes this is that it is being sold to the public as a fix for gun violence. The problem is the owner must use the lock, and if the gun was purchased for home or self defense, most likely the lock will not be used.

As for the show 20/20 that you had seen, this was done because it is a TV show, it is done for ratings. If it was sponsored by a foundation and properly conducted by a sociologist or criminologist the data could be submitted for peer review and all of it could have been reviewed, not just what the show WANTED you to see. I'm sure that any saftey program is not 100% effective, it is an ongoing learining expereince which is why the Eagle Eddie program is the best one for demographics. I personally did an experiment with my daugher this weekend, just to get a reaction. As you know I dont own a gun, so I went and bought a toy gun that looks kind of real. I have had many talks with her about guns even though she is only 4, yet I want it to sink in her head at an early age. I found some of her old toys that she hadnt played with in awhile, I put them all in a basket and stuck the toy gun in there. I sat there an watched her play. She played with the other toys right away, but when she found that gun she took a step back from the basket and said to me "Uh oh mommy there is a gun in here" SHe did the right thing, I was very proud. I explained that it was a toy and told her that I wanted to see what she would do if she saw a gun. She told me that she knew she isnt supposed to play with guns because they are "dagerous" (as she says) So later I took her out for ice cream to reward her for her good thinking. I'm sure all kids would not do the same thing but to me that it the laziness of the parents in teaching them the right things. Of course kids are naive, they all are, but it is our responsibility as parents to ensure they are being taught the right way.

My last comment is this: 85% of crimes are commited by repeat offenders. If we do not let them out of jail then there would be an 85% reduction in crime. What effect does another law have on criminal who by defintion breaks the law already?

Here are the links I was talking about, you will see the facts printed there in black and white. I hope that you will take some time to check them out.

Thanks for your time,
Sandy you are a saint.

In fact, I think you actually only need two miracles to become a real Saint, if you convert Judy, you'll be half-way there! :)

Saint Sandy: Patron Saint to people who beat there heads against walls ;)

Keep up the good work!


your first link is wrong...I fixed it in your post yesterday, but forgot to tell you the reason it was wrong:

the last part is "nccda_bullet.html"

not "nccda-bullet.html" .

There are never spaces in a URL, though sometimes on search engines it looks that way...the "_" is there, just invisible.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Sandy, please run for public office. I will write you a check immediately!

Thank you for your completely intelligent, logical reasoning.

I don't think she'll buy a single word of it...

Keep it up, spread the word.
Miss D,

I've been following this on-going thread between you and Judy, and I have to say, I am much impressed with your patience and longsuffering with this "slughead."

I'm afraid I would have long ago given up all pretenses of niceness and would have lambasted her by now for her arrogance and ignorance.

I applaud your efforts!
Miss D, thank you, ma'am. That was a serious tour de force in rationality and substanciation, and we are proud to have you among us! Eloquent, too. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of freedom loving people everywhere.
Thank you Miss D! You may not know the power you hold. If I, or many of us, were to write her, we would be brushed off as "gun nuts". You can relate to her and make a link that none of us can cross. Thank you for taking time to inform her, it is priceless.

Let's not forget that the robbers in N. Hollywood had had their weapons siezed in a traffic stop months before the robbery, only to be given back b/c of a technicality. DUH!!!!!!!!!

Also, the military is attempting to use spider silk, probably via recombinant DNA splicing of the genes from spiders into bacteria, to create a lighter vest that will stop a wider variety of bullets. The analogy used is that spider silk has a strength to size ratio such that it is equivalent to using thread to stop a 747. Why not push for the military to release more of this technology to the general market?
Anyone mind if I nominate Sandy as the National Spokesperson for Responsible Gun Ownership? ;)

My hat is off ma'am!

Oh, Sandy, for someone that came here to learn you have learned well. Your letter (e-mail) to Judy is a work of art. We all are glad that we have had something to do with your being an official "unofficial" spokewoman for firearms owners.

Both you and Gunz-n-Rosie are to be commended.

If but I could I would send you roses.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Sandy, I'll add my thanks and appreciation as well. Very well done. Judy will likely break off your discussion soon, when her arguments are sufficiently frustrated. I'll predict she'll say something like 'you believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe what I believe', or such. For many people like Judy, reality is a relative concept. They usually don't really believe in 'facts', per se.

One last point, and please don't take this as a criticism. I'm not as confident as you are regarding metal detectors. They could be helpful, but hardly foolproof. I honestly would not have a problem with teachers allowed concealed carry. But, this is still a subject on which reasonable people (especially pro-RKBA types) can differ.

It is fine women like you who hold perhaps the greatest promise for our country at this time. The charge to damage or destroy our Constitution is being led by many women who claim their actions are 'for the children'. Women such as you can demonstrate the enormity of that lie.

Regards from AZ.
This episode with Judy reminds me of a quote from my dad:

"Don't confuse me with the facts, I have got my mind made up!"

This is a classic example of gun-grabber mentality: making steadfast decisions based on bumper sticker politics, 30 second media sound bytes and emotionalist disinformation, and then refusing to hear any facts to the contrary of their knee-jerk decisions. I would call any more dialogue with this person a waste of time and a Jesus would call it "throwing pearls before swine". Some people are beyond hope, concentrate on the ones that will at least listen.
I would applaud Miss D to do as she wishes, even it it included continuing to work on Judy, but at least I know that it would do no good for me to email her.

I get so depressed reading Judy's letters. Things like that make me feel hopeless. "WHY DON'T THEY GET IT?"

Then I read Miss D's letters and realize there is hope. I especially got a kick out of reading that you wrote your representative and retracted your previous anti-gun letter. Bravo!

TFL Member of the Year

Damn right.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 13, 1999).]
Miss D.--

You are valiant and your cause is just.

But, for all your superb effort, I'm not sure that you'll ever be able to penetrate Judy's mindset. Judy is unable to distinguish between information and knowledge, and between propaganda and truth. Folks like her do not believe what they see. Instead, they see only what they believe!

But keep up the good work.

Your letter was well written. The way you have calmly debated with this individual does you, and all of us gun-owners, a great service as it shows other who may be on the "fence post" that those who support fireamrs ownership are not the raving lunatics that the media proclaims us to be.

By all means, continue to engage her as long as you deem necessary. You never know who you might actually convince.