Another Huntress among us!


New member
I posted this on another forum but wanted to share here.

Originally posted by taylorce1:
I thought I'd do a spin off of graybird's post since he is pretty involved in this one as well.


I met this little lady when I started to date her mother in 2008 and she was five years old at the time. A little desperate for attention from a male role model so I've tried to do the best I could. I let her steal my rangefinder and tag along on her first pronghorn hunt when she was six.

Next I bought her a little pink rifle and started teaching her to shoot.

She spent quite a bit of time shooting that little pink rifle with Snellstrom's youngest son, and on her own when we could get to the range. Graybird bought her a nice hot pink soft case that she is pretty proud of as well.

When she was seven she had to miss out on our annual pronghorn hunting because of a broken leg. However when she was eight she made it and wasn't afraid to give me a hand holding the pronghorn while I did the field dressing. Shortly after that hunt she said she wanted to go hunting.

So I did what any good stepfather would do. I made a deal with her to make her earn a hunting trip. I told her if she kept her grades up and passed Hunters Ed, I'd find a hunt for her. Well she kept her end of the bargain straight A's and passed Hunters Ed on the first try. I had been talking with Graybird about somewhere I could take her to hunt, since Colorado says they have to be 12 to hunt big game. He offered up his Dad's place in OK to Snellstrom's boy and my daughter to hunt white tail.

So I spent most of the year leading up to this hunt getting my daughter to shoot a larger rifle than her little pink crickett. We had a few set backs as report, even with ear plugs inside of muffs seemed to bother her. So good ol' step dad loaded up "magic bullets" for his daughter and got her worked up to full power .223 loads for a Steven's 200 I had the stock cut down to fit her.

This past pronghorn season we didn't see any pronghorn worth shooting but since my wife and I allowed her to skip a day of school with "hunters flu", we shot some prairie dogs with Ted Thorn. She had been worried about making a poor shot on a deer and wounding one as we got closer to her hunting, shooting prairie dogs was a big confidence booster.


Anyway we got to Graybird's hunting site on Monday evening too late to hunt but she sure was excited to get her first Deer tag at "the Walmart". We would spend the next day sitting overlooking a canyon for deer in the morning, chasing squirrels mid day and sitting in a hunting blind that afternoon.


Unfortunately we never connected with a deer that first day, she never felt right about taking a shot. I told her I was proud of her for not shooting when she felt she didn't have the shot, and it was no big deal if she didn't shoot a deer at all. I had to leave her in the capable hands of Graybird to get her on deer, because I had been called to report back to work in TX on Wednesday.
The rest of the story.
I was getting a little worked up waiting around all day to get some news to find out if I was going to have a deer huntress on my hands. About 6pm Graybird sent me this picture.


Success a "Huntress" is born! Graybird said she made a perfect shot into the pocket of the deer's shoulder at 120 yards. Her second shot was a little far back but the deer was at 140+ yards by the time she shot again. According to the report I got the second shot wasn't needed at all as the first destroyed the lungs completely.




I owe Graybird and Snellstrom a great deal for helping my daughters journey to become a "Huntress" a success. I couldn't be more proud of my little girl, and a little sad I wasn't there to witness this milestone in person.
Congrats to the new huntress. Congrats to you for helping her on this journey. I am sure there will be a lot more chance for the two of you to hunt together.

I am looking forward to taking my grand-daughter once she gets old enough.
A wonderful story. And a little girl with a little pink rifle is about as cute as it gets. She's lucky to have you in her life.
Ain't it COOL!!!!!

This year Eldest (daughter) outhunted me: a doe came out of a plum thicket she had just walked out ..... after we had walked the 1/4 mile back to the car .... the doe walked out into the middle of a stubble field on the next hill and laid down on the back side of a terrace. Eldest declared, "I'm going to go shoot that deer!" I told her she'd be wasting her time, as the deer would see her coming 1/4 mile away and skedaddle before she got in range (she's using a 30/30)...... "I sure won't get it if I don't try!" ..... so she goes for a walk .... 1/4 mile south ..... near 1/2 mile east, and then back north, coming up into the wind and up hill ..... got within 200 yards before the deer saw her, and closed the range to less than 150 before the deer stood up and she shot her ...... the deer took off running, stopped and she shot her again, and deer turned a circle, and ran a bit and stopped, and she shot her again ..... and the deer went down .... two hits through the chest, and one through the back leg above the hock..... I watched the whole thing from the car trough binoculars..... and she has now pronounced me "old" and never lets a chance go by to remind me that "If you don't try, you won't ever accomplish anything!"

Life is Good.
Well done article. Refreshing to read and pleasing to the heart.
Looks like you have acquired a hunting partner taylorce1. (Well at least until she finds (boys) more interesting.) Honor Role student also. That alone would tickle any father & mother. Now you'll have to keep us updated on your adventures together. Thank you, for sharing. _:)

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that makes me smile. I am glad that hunting is being passed down to future generations. I wish I could pass it on, unfortunately my only child went liberal on me and now believes its a sin to kill animals (yes he is a vegetarian)

Unfortunately she would rather hang with the boys already, I just thank God she hasn't noticed them yet. However when she does all I can say is poor boyfriend! She likes the fact that they play harder and without dolls, as she wants to play sports, and talk about trucks with big tires, and out shoot everyone. She doesn't like or get involved with the "girlie" drama as she calls it at school.
Absolutely one of the best reads I have seen on this forum ;)

congrats man, you done good and she did great. I love seeing young folks having success in the field, and as the father of two young boys I hope to see even more of it in the near future. I never had a mentor like that so maybe it's me filling a void, but it sure feels good when they connect!
Congradulations to the young Huntress on a job well done on all accounts.
She kept up her end of the bargain, that says a lot for her character and her up bringing.
She completed a successful hunt, again this says a lot about this young lady and the influence she's had.

taylorce1 my hats off to you, Greybird and Snellstrom for helping this young lady to be successful in her endeavors and teaching her good values in life.

Thanks for the pictures, they brought back memories of my daughter when she was that age.
As for her hanging with the boys, my daughter was the same way at that age.
However things change as they get older, that's when your gray hair will really kick in.:D

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
This is what my buddy had to say about hunting with my daughter.

graybird said:
I am so proud of this little girl you don't understand!!!

When the doe and fawn entered the field, I asked her which deer she wanted to shoot. Naturally, she chose the big one.

So, I had her get on the gun and look at the deer for minute. I asked her if she could see both deer and how was the picture. "It's perfect, I can see her perfect."

"Ok, let's take a couple deep breathes and just look at her for a second."

"Can you still see her and are the crosshairs where they need to be?"

"Yes, I can still see her perfect."

"Ok, I'm going to take the gun off safety and take the shot when you're ready."

A perfect textbook lung shot just behind the shoulder halfway up. I had her shoot again, but it wasn't required.

I could read the happiness and satisfaction on her face that the deer didn't suffer because of her excellent shots.

I gave her a big hug, some high fives and a couple fist bumps along with talking about the excellent exicutuion.

A HAPPY Day indeed for both of us!

Congrats again, and "Show me that pretty smile!"


Great read. Maybe you could give me some instruction as the only thing I've shot thus far were branches!:D
That is awesome, taylorce1!! Man, you make me proud just to know you! Being a stepdad isn't easy, and now you are the real deal to her. Way to go!
Huge congratulations to the young lady. LOVE that smile.
And YOU get to put a "Daddy stamp" on your Man Card.
There IS NO higher endorsement!