Another Hillary lie.

does not appear to be a lie

if you actually read the story you find the sheriff claims he told this to Clinton. But don't let the sheriff get in your way of calling Clinton a lier.

"In a March 26 phone interview with The Associated Press, Holman said he had told Clinton the story in essentially the same way she was retelling it in her speeches. He said he knew the Bachtel story only second hand, and lacked several details."

Clinton probably embelished the story. No more than John McCain embelishes the story of how evey person in the military tells him they want him as the next president.
Actually, it's been on the news quite a bit. Toybox is correct, the sherrif told her, but the hospital contacted her and asked her to quit telling the story as it made them look bad. Don't worry though, tomorrow she'll open her mouth again. :D
The trouble is that once someone has been established as a liar, how can we ever be sure that they aren't doing it again, without another irrefutable source.
And, she really ought to come out and admit what happened and apologize for her statements. I heard on the news (so take with a grain of salt) that she continued with this story even after learning the truth. If so, that would be worthy of our disgust.
And the continuation of the story after being confronted with the facts is why I called her a liar again. But don't let that get in your way of defending her.