Another gunshop rumor

Captain Bligh

New member
The second rumor (See "Handguns and Pistolcraft" for Rumor #1) from my trip to the gunshop yesterday has to do with the Remington 870 Express. The dealer told me Remington makes two grades of 870 Express (I'm not talking Wingmasters here)one for stores like his and a lesser grade for discount stores like the k-marts of the world, etc.

I tried to pin him down on the differences but got only generalities of "anything that can be made more cheaply on the gun to save cost is".

What do you think? True, or a guy trying to justify a high price.

I had the feeling that had I bought his gun I would have been gouged and lied to. Don't much like doing business with people who play me for a fool.

I have also heard this about the rifles that places like Wal Mart sell. They are supposed to be of lesser quality than ones that are found at regular gun shops. I take these "rumors" with a big grain of salt since they have no proof and it certailnly seems "self serving" of them to let you in on the secret.

I've been hearing rumors like this for many years now. Personally I do not believe them in any way. I have asked many people who should be in the know, all have laughed it off as untrue. I think that these rumors get started by some smaller shop owners that can't compete with the big chain stores when it comes to sales prices.

(NOTE - I do not want to get into a debate over purchasing guns at gunshops vs. big departments stores; its comparing apples to oranges)

BTW - smaller gun shops in many cases are not just trying to justify a higher price on their guns. They can't purchase at the volume wholesale discounts that big stores do, so they have to charge more for their wares than their bigger competitors. In a nut shell that is why they can't compete with stores like WalMarts, if final sales price is your sole purchasing criteria.

On the other hand, ever try to trade in your old beater 12ga on the latest model WalMarts? Can't be done. And that's one BIG reason to support the smaller shops.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.

[This message has been edited by Rob62 (edited September 09, 2000).]
This is a price-hiking justification. While Wal-Mart sells the SAME guns and merely buys more of the guns to get a better deal. Having said that, I wouldn't buy anything from Wal-Mart because they REGISTER YOUR GUN with BATF. BATF gets their 4473's and their log books. This is Wal-Mart's way of not having to do traces when the need arises. Screw them. I went to buy a 10/22 with cash one day and they wanted me to fill out TWO 4473's. They had a carbon between two sheets. I told them to shove it and left the store. They couldn't comprehend why I was upset over this. I told them they were breaking the law... they cannot require me to fill out two forms. They said, "It's store policy." SCREW THEM.

Buy it at a gun show!

God made us in his own image.
Thomas Jefferson made us free.
John Browning made us equal.

Without Browning, we might not know about the other two...

[This message has been edited by badgerarms (edited September 09, 2000).]
Seems to me to be just so much hoopla. It would make good business sense for Remington to just make Wingmasters and one grade of utility shotgun. Adding another layer means another assembly line,more parts in inventory, etc.

BTW, I'll take my business on most things to the shops I've been doing business with for 30 years plus.Price isn't the only factor....