Another good thing about the Libertarians


Staff Alumnus
Just occurred to me:

Every (and I do mean *every*) Libertarian I know and know of is vehemently pro-gun. No "reasonable restrictions" for this crowd: you're either 100% pro-gun or you're a sheep. Period. No backstabbing from this-or-that faction, like hunters condemning "assault weapons," or skeeters sneering at "Saturday Night Specials."

Something to think about for the next year or so...

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
There are only two parties that I know of that are 100% right on the gun issue. As mentioned the Libertarians, and the Constitution Party formerly known as the Taxpayers party.

Both parties say that the Federal gun-control laws are unconsitutional and will not be enforced under their administration.

I will vote for one of these two at the national level. I know that my individual vote will have no say in the National election, for you that haven't figured it out, national elections almost assure that your vote will be meaningless, that's the point! At the local level, or at the party level I have made a difference, literally.

I've never voted for a Presidential candidate that has won, but I justify going to the polls by hoping that I can make some small effort toward propaganda to weaken the rigged election system of the dems and repubs.
I voted Libertarian on everything I could the other day (I'm from VA), and I plan to do so in the nationals too. I figure the Dems and the Repubs aren't very different from each other.It doesn't make a diffenence which flavor of dung we have to eat, it's still SH$*. That being the case, I figure I'll put my vote to work trying to pull the party I actually agree with out of the margins. I hope more people start doing the same.