Another Dumb Question

Tom Kinnaird

Now I'm all excited waiting for this Christmas Spend-Fest to get over so I can order that P9RZ. For quite a while now my constant companion has been my little PA-63, which I usually carry in the "security pocket" of my vests or jackets, but I'd like to get a real honest-to-Pete holster for the RZ. My legs don't work so pretty good no-more so I spend most of my time in the "setting position" in this chair--or in the van. I've tried SOB, and IWB hosters and they are just down-right uncomfortable, and not all that "handy" if I should be in a hurry for some reason. The one shoulder rig I tried was--let's not talk about it. With all the vast experience and omnipotent knowledge in this group--could/would you care to suggest some various hosters that would suffice? I thought of mounting the RZ on the chair like an M-60 on a jeep, but I'm sure somebody would object.
Y'r Ob't Sv't; Tom K.
There are no dumb questions! Only dumb questioners!


Just kidding, Tom. Not a dumb question at all. My first suggestion is this: If you are going to have the hassles that mounting a gun on your chair will surely bring, you might as well make it worth while and do that M-60. But watch the recoil. :D

I'm fond of shoulder rigs myself. I'd suggest you find a store that has a good assortment and try 'em on til you find one you like. They are not all created equal, and cheapos act the part.

I disremember who it was, but there's one feller on this board who is quite pleased with a belly band rig for carry while in the car. Um, I suspect he's not carrying an 8 3/8" S&W. :eek:
Maby think about a tray table for the chair. Mount bracket on underside for the weapon of your choice. Out of sight and within easy reach.

I sold a gun to a gentleman who is in a wheel chair. He wanted the gun for defensive purposes. After trying alot of different types of carrying methods...including a belly band...he finally decided on a good cross draw holster. He liked the way it had a severe angle for the cant. It was comfortable for him and didnt
limit his draw times. Just passing on info and hope it does some good. shoot well
Eric, ya beat me to it. I was going to suggest a cross draw holster, perhaps one of the "driver's" rigs that would drop the pistol if one was standing up.

Tom, I am going to send this thread to Lou Alessi and perhaps he can help you.
Now another dumb question. Are there any companies making holsters for that pistol? If not, Tom will have to go custom or go with a generic rig.