Another Clinton Joke....


New member
> -
> Bill Clinton steps out onto the White House lawn in the dead
> of winter. Right in front of him, on the White House lawn,
> he sees, "The President Must Go!" written in urine across the
> snow. Well, old Bill is pretty ticked off.
> He storms into his security staff's HQ, and yells, "Somebody
> wrote a threat in the snow on the front lawn! And they wrote
> it in urine! The person had to be standing right on the porch
> when he did it! Where were you guys?!"
> Hi Dave...... well, I'm not a big hunting fan like most women but I do
> hope you had an
> enjoyable trip! Liked the "button" joke.... hope you aren't offended if
> you are a Clinton fan! :)
> TTYL>Dana
> The security guys stood silently and stared ashamedly at the
> floor. Bill hollers, "Well dammit, don't just sit there! Get
> out and FIND OUT WHO DID IT!! I want an answer, and I want it
> TONIGHT!" The entire staff immediately jumps up and races for
> the exits.
> Later that evening, his chief security officer approached him
> and says, "Well Mr. President, we have some bad news, and we
> have some really bad news. Which do you want first?"
> Clinton says, "Oh hell, give me the bad news first." The officer
> says, "Well, we took a sample of the urine and tested it. The
> results just came back, and it was Al Gore's urine."
> Clinton says, "Oh my God, I feel! My
> own Vice President! Damn....Well, what's the really bad news?"
> The officer replies, "Well sir, it was in Hillary's handwriting."
> _