Another carry question.


New member
I know I have stated on the forum that I do not carry. I never felt the need to do so . . .before.

Things going on close by are opening my eyes to what can happen doing the most mundane thing.

So. . .what to do?

I have a new PPK .380 that has not hiccuped at all. I went to the LGS and was looking at an inside the pocket holster and could not find anything that looked like it would work and the one holster they did have, grabbed the gun and would not let it go.

I have other guns that would be good carry guns except for weight. I was looking over a different gun and they had just gotten in a G30 short frame with a recontoured back strap that fit my hand pretty good. 10 rounds of .45 seems a better deal than 7 of .380.

My son has a G30 that I think is a gen. 2 and I do not care for the feel much. The short frame does feel better. . .or is it my imagination?

My son shoots the bejeesus out of his and he is deadly accurate with it.

I have a G21 gen.3 and a G17 gen.4 and have had no problem with them except some magazine issues at first with the G17 and none since.

I am not sure which way to go. I do like a striker fired gun and the concept Glock brings to the table has worked well for me.

Have any of you actually shot both the G30 and the short frame G30?

I am tempted to go buy the gun and peddle it if I don't like it. Bud's does not have them in stock and neither does Glockmeister here in town. The one I saw, the LGS had just gotten in.


Isn't the PPK a bit big for pocket carry?

I'm asking, not stating.

My Bersa Thunder is about the same size as a PPK,,,
I don't think I could get it in my pocket,,,
My 22-PLY is a true mouse gun,,,
It barely fits in my pocket.

My best advice is to carry something, everyday. Whether it be a G30 or your
G17. This world is dangerous, be prepared. Oh and buy the G30, why not?

1 more gun never hurt anyone... until their wife finds out.:D
Just thought I would throw this out for consideration: My son is a LEO and carries a G17 in an OWB holster as his off-duty carry gun. He is 6'3" and is about 230 lbs. It is comfortable for his body type.
To me it depends on how you feel like carrying everyday. A Glock 30 is a bit larger than the PPK and might be too big for pocket carry. So if you would prefer pocket carry, I would suggest to look online for a better pocket holster for your PPK or get a new ultra-compact 380 or 9mm if you feel the need for more power than 380. If you prefer to carry IWB/OWB, and can handle the recoil, the G30 would be a great way to go. I've been working out how I want to carry once I get my CHP as well and found that, for me, IWB is more comfortable than pocket carry anyway (at least around my house).

Edit: Forgot to add that for OWB, the G21 and G17 you already own are very good options and might even work for IWB depending on your build and clothing styles.
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I should have been a little clearer. The G30 would not be in the pocket but in an IWB holster.

I am going to keep the PPK and buy the G30 and use an IWB holster. We will see how that works.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

You may want to get an IWB holster for the PPK as well. There may be times you don't want to carry the Glock (weather/how you are dressed/where you are going) and it would be nice to have another option. As already stated any gun is better than no gun.
Well, I did get the Glock and an IWB holster. Need to get comfortable with it.

Went to the range with the 21 and the 30. The 21 shoots just like I like it.

I had the Trijicons put on yesterday and shot 50 rounds through the gun with the two magazines. It is shooting like the 21. To point of aim at 30 feet.

Bought two more magazines and ran 50 rounds through them.

No hiccups with either gun. I am feeling better about the whole thing.

I will still be looking for a holster for the PPK but my immediate concern was to be able to carry today. I dearly love the 45 and the new Glock runs like the old Glock. Poor thing is ugly as all get out but they run. In the end, that is what really counts.

It has to go bang.
