Another California Question


New member
I've seen several handguns being sold on here that I would just love to buy, but being stationed here in CA I run into the following problem

Effective January 1, 2001, no handgun may be manufactured within California, imported into California for sale, lent, given, kept for sale, or offered/exposed for sale unless that handgun model has passed firing, safety, and drop tests and is certified for sale in California by the Department of Justice. Private party transfers, curio/relic handguns, certain single-action revolvers, and pawn/consignment returns are exempt from this requirement.

Since it would be a private party transfer, although coming from an out of state FFL to a California FFL, does that make it exempt?
I did check there, but they seem to have forgotten to drop check just about every hadngun I've seen in the FS/FT section that I'd like to buy ;-)
CA experts correct me if I'm wrong.....

But my understanding is that the CA DOJ doesn't "forget" to drop check.
but they seem to have forgotten to drop check just about every handgun...

The only guns that get "checked" are ones submitted by the manufacturer for testing. And, I'm not certain, but I think the manufacturer also has to pay for the testing. I have also heard that CA DOJ considers each different finish gun as a "different model". Also the same gun in stainless is a different model than one in blue.

And since the guns are "tested" often to the damage/destruction point this makes it unattractive to manufacturers. Also, only guns in current production appear to be eligible, as makers won't submit discontinued models, and out of business makers, of course, can't submit any.

Its a really wonderful way to restict the legal availability of many models of handguns, all under the guise of public/consumer safety.
I was making a humor attempt with the "Forgot" Whenever something new and exciting is released in the handgun world, we get it in CA a year later, like you said if the manufacturer decides to pay the cost and lose a pistol to the state.

I had my eye on that MKIII Trooper in the Handgun FS/FT section, but honestly, CA really makes sure you can't impulse buy. My wife will be happy.
Don't forget, the manufacturer has to continue to pay, each and every year, to keep the firearm on the "Good Gun" list.

What the CA DOJ is doing would be called extortion, if they weren't the government.
Check this site for the current approved list. Handguns go on the list quickly and disappear just as quickly. If the handgun was made prior to 2001 check with the DOJ but I believe you should be able to buy those. I could be wrong....:D
I've got to look into that pre-2001 thing, if that is the case, my savings will be going down, but my fun level will be on its way back up.
rtpzwms said:
...If the handgun was made prior to 2001 check with the DOJ but I believe you should be able to buy those. I could be wrong...
Nope, sorry, but that's wrong. See what it says on the DOJ website (which in this case is accurate), "Effective January 1, 2001, no handgun may be ... imported into California for sale, lent, given, kept for sale, or offered/exposed for sale unless...[on the roster]..." So the "after January 1, 2001" applies to the importation for sale, kept for sale, offered for sale, etc....One would need a time machine.

Al Norris said:
What the CA DOJ is doing would be called extortion, if they weren't the government.
So true.
If Kalifornia were not the largest state I doubt we would have very many handguns to buy as there is no way the manufacturers would waste time and $$$ on our stupid law to get a gun approved. As it is our choices are limited.