Another bullet question


New member
Has anyone experimented by putting hardened steel or tungsten inserts into hollow points? Would there be legal implications?:eek:
Another thing you certainly wouldn't want to try is putting 3 large pistol primers in the hollow point of a .45 Aguila IQ cartridge and sealing the top with a dab of super-glue.

That would be a very bad idea.
Lemme guess...the large pistol primers ignite while the bullet is still in the barrel...kaboom.

If that's not what happened, it probably could have.
Thought about the primer thing, Cordex. What happens?
*look of terror*
What? Are you crazy?
Sure, I may have *thought* about making two of them and putting them aside in a little plastic baggie marked "don't shoot" but I doubt I would ever try them.
Even if the primers did go of in the firing process, I doubt that the gun would kB!, though the possibility does certainly exist.