Another anti-gun company?


New member
I copied this from another forum. It may be just the manager's policy as a guy from Wisconsin said they had orange collars there,
but little else that was hunting-related.
If this is true, you have to wonder what will happen when the "animals are people" idiots start picketing them for supporting a "slave trade".

Today (Oct. 3rd, 1999) my wife attempted to purchase an orange dog collar for my new springer spaniel pup. She went into the Topsfield, MA PetCo. store to find one, but was told that the store does not carry orange dog collars because they are considered a hunting item. The store personnel also explained to my wife that because the PetCo. corporation is against hunting they refuse to carry any hunting equipment.
This is information that I believe should be passed around to all of the sportsmen in this state. I know I will never buy so much as a doggy biscuit from them again!!

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Silly me, I thought orange colored stuff was merely meant to be readily seen.

So I guess that all the CalTrans road crews are actually out hunting instead of fixing the freeways?

Gads...what a buncha maroons, a political statement is more important than common sense.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
My scruffy old pack-rat memory (CRS syndrome 'n' all...) tells me that I read somewhere that a major amount of PetSmart stock is owned by PETA, 65% comes to mind, but I'd not want to be quoted as being dead certain.
Ah, the cheerful intolerance of liberalism...

The Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule are enough for civilized behavior. The rest is window dressing. Shoot carefully, swifter...
What gets me is all the money that the HSUS gets from unsuspecting Grandmas who think they are helping to support their local Humane Society by sending in a donation they can ill afford anyway. Then to having it used for various anti-human activities as I like to call them and luxury items for their corrupt administration.

People for Eating Tasty Animals.
Now,that sounds much better. ;)
Oh, I get it now ... we were supposed to put those orange collars on dogs so they were easier to hunt? Boy, was I confused! ;) I just couldn't do that to a dog ...