Ann Coulter slams Huckabee and Thompson


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Ann Coulter's new column takes a hard swipe at both Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson.

Reasons: Huckabee is just cuh-RAZY about illegal aliens, and Thompson voted to acquit Bill Clinton in the impeachment trial.

I don't know that she's right, but it's worth reading. I thought others might find it of interest and want to discuss her criticisms. It's pretty unusual for Coulter to go after Republicans; she usually sharpens her knives for Democrats.

You can read her column here:
Most Republicans are amused at her attacks and witicisms at the expense of the Dems/liberals/non-real conservatives. Ann's an amusing read, and what really scares me is that most of the time she makes sense! Can you imagine what the press would be like if she were running for President? They'd be saying that the last days of the world are near once she gets her hands on the controls. She'd scare the living h--- out of most of the sheep! The sad thing is she's more right than wrong about which she speaks.:eek::D:)
A while back we had a thread on Ted Nugent, his remarks and how the public would react.

To me, Ms. Coulter doesn't have the style/substance issue that Mr. Nugent has.

Oh, you might not like her, but she is direct, terse, poignant and her fingernails are clean.

She is so good, in fact, that many try to derail her prose by attacking her, the person.

Yes, there are some things in past comments that made my molars grind. But isn't that more a problem of having your own beliefs shoved under a harsh light? When she's right, she's right.
Coulter has now gone off the deep end...,2933,301216,00.html

DEUTSCH: Christian — so we should be Christian? It would be better if we were all Christian?


DEUTSCH: We should all be Christian?

COULTER: Yes. Would you like to come to church with me, Donny?


COULTER: No, we think — we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say.

DEUTSCH: Wow, you didn't really say that, did you?

COULTER: Yes. That is what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws. We know we're all sinners —

DEUTSCH: In my old days, I would have argued — when you say something absurd like that, there's no —

COULTER: What's absurd?

DEUTSCH: Jews are going to be perfected. I'm going to go off and try to perfect myself —

COULTER: Well, that's what the New Testament says.

I'm an atheist, I wonder how she feels about me...
Ann is an entertainer.I suppose she believes what she says,but her abrasiveness is what sells.

Most of the left are predictable to the point that you know what they are going to say before they say it.It's the reason Air America failed.They are boring.
According to Coulter, Thompson has two knocks against him: the impeachment vote and his vote on the McCain Feingold Act.

Thompson has said he now disagrees with McCain Feingold...... O.K. I'll buy it.

If the only thing against Thompson is the impeachment vote, I can get past that a lot better than I can Mike Huckabee's reported positions on; border security, denying government services to illegals (he thinks it's racist) and mass amnesty for illegals (he thinks it's the *Christian* thing to do).
Thompson has said he now disagrees with McCain Feingold...... O.K. I'll buy it.

I am not buying it. I think its ridiculous that a grown man, and a lawyer no less, would flip flop on a law that violates a basic Constitutional right.

I guess he is following in Kerry's foot steps... he was for it before he was against it.

You might also want to consider that he also voted for Medicare Reform (the largest expansion of social welfare since LBJ), and No Child Left Behind (the brainchild of Teddy Kennedy).

Fred is going to have a hard time overcoming his Senate voting record, blind support of President Bush, and lack of any new ideas, but he might pull it off. The competition is pretty weak.
She probably figures you are going to hell.

I tend to agree with everything Ms. Coulter writes, except the 10% or so of her stuff that relies on God-stuff for the initial assumptions. Even in those arguments, she's at least internally consistent, which is more than many folks bringing religion into U.S. politics can say. I just prefer not to rely on faith-based dogma in making my political arguments....
I'm an atheist, I wonder how she feels about me...

She was very clear. She wants you to be a Christian! :D

I also don't agree with Ann Coulter anywhere near all the time, but here she is just explaining christianity in a non-nonsense "I'm-just-talking-direct-and-not-mincing-words" fashion.

Of course Christians want everyone to be Christian. Just like Muslims want everyone to be muslim or at least follow Shariah (sp?). The difference is, Christians haven't fought holy wars to accomlish this in a couple of centuries.

The Christian view is that they are the new covenant that replaces the covenant of the jews. All of the first Christians were jews. The current "jews" were people who didn't convert. Christians are still trying.

She sure pushes people over the edge the way she puts things.

I kind of like that! (I approve of being non-politically correct, though sometimes you can show a little more taste and still get your point across).
If what she wrote about Huckabee is true, then Huckabee goes from being my #2 choice to being my #5 or 6...still ahead of Rudy, McCain, and Paul, but behind everyone else.

If what she wrote about Thompson is does very little to my opinion of him.
Ann Coulter in one of her books in reference to 9/11 widows, “I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.”

Ann Coulter is a moronic self promoter and hateful demogogue. I find it hard to understand how any civilised human being could support her brand of hate. She makes David Duke look enlightened. She once said she enjoyed writing much more once she stopped checking facts and simply pretended she was e-mailing a friend. Much easier to make idiotic comments when your audience doesn't challenge your idiocy.

People like Ann Coulter are the biggest problem with politics today. They ensure that no legitimate debate or discourse interfere with personal attacks and fallacious arguments.
Man, she is sooooo hot!

And a killer writer, too.

I like her style!

Ann Coulter is a moronic self promoter and hateful demogogue.

What a hateful comment. :p I'm highly offended by such an insensitive, intolerant remark. You need sensitivity training. :D

Ann's laughing all the way to the bank.
Ann Coulter is a moronic self promoter and hateful demogogue. I find it hard to understand how any civilised human being could support her brand of hate. She makes David Duke look enlightened. She once said she enjoyed writing much more once she stopped checking facts and simply pretended she was e-mailing a friend. Much easier to make idiotic comments when your audience doesn't challenge your idiocy.

People like Ann Coulter are the biggest problem with politics today. They ensure that no legitimate debate or discourse interfere with personal attacks and fallacious arguments.

ROFLMAO!! Ann Coulter is NOT hateful. Just because you say America is the BEST doesn't mean you hate every other country. Just because you say Christianity is the best religion doesn't mean you want to kill people in other religions. Personally, I think chocolate ice cream is the best. That doesn't mean I hate strawberry ripple.

Just because you say some widows are making the most of their situation and playing up their husband's deaths doesn't make you hateful (though it is the wrong thing to say and absolutely classless). Her point was ... just because someone is a victim doesn't make them an expert on something. Cindy Sheehan had a son die in the war, but she isn't an expert on foreign relations and doesn't necessarily have all the answers. James Brady was a victim of an assault with a gun, but it doesn't mean he has the answers on violence in America.

So listen to the whole thing. There's not a darn thing wrong with it. She's just stating the Christian position, and you can like it or not.

Ann Coulter is politically incorrect
Just because you say some widows are making the most of their situation and playing up their husband's deaths doesn't make you hateful

No, but wording it like "I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much" does. Coulter specialises in hate speach. She has a unique way of taking any position and framing it in the most hateful manner. It makes her money though, but that is more an indictment of our educational system than anything else.

I am a christian, I find Ann Coulter's brand of christianity obscene. Saying Ann is just outlining the christian position is akin to saying that Osama Bin Laden is just outlining the muslem position.

And she's not even hot, far too skinny(and self absorbed) to be hot. I think Condoleeza Rice is much hotter, and smarter for that matter, which is kinda hot in and of itself.
Saying Ann is just outlining the christian position is akin to saying that Osama Bin Laden is just outlining the muslem position.

Thats a pretty incredible statement, considering the Osama Bin Laden was directly responsible for 9-11. At last check, Ann Coulter (as reprehensible as she might be) was not responsible for that kind of carnage. Would you care to clarify your point, or would you prefer to withdraw it completely as incorrect?
Hey, I've got an idea, let's talk about the article instead of the author.

In the midst of her slamming Huckabee on illegal immigrants, she said this:

Like all the (other) Democratic candidates for president, he supports a federal law to ban smoking

Is that true?

I assume we're talking about the commerce power again, so I'm guessing that growing my own tobacco plant for personal consumption would join growing my own wheat or cannabis for personal consumption or building my own machine gun as one of the things governed under the "few and defined" powers granted to the federal government?
When she stops wearing the sexy dresses and starts having 3 or more children I'll give her some credibility. Until then, she's just another Republican big mouth that doesn't have the slightest ability to win people over to Conservative values.
Unresgistered my point was that Ann holds a radical view of christianity that is not the same as the vast majority of christians. She does not speak for christians any more than Osama Bin Ladin speaks for muslems. I will grant that Ann's fringe element of christianity is not as dangerous or radical as Osama's fringe element, but they are both fringe and people shouldn't allow them to claim they represent more than that fringe.

As for separating the message from the messenger. I don't think that is possible when the messengers credibility has been stretched as thin as Coulter's has. She has made too many purposely inflammitory and yet incorrect statements over the past year to be taken seriously.