Ankle holster with a twist

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus
Lately I have been swamped and unable to work on some of my new projects. One of the projects under development is an ankle rig that carries the weapon with the handle down. The reason for this is that when you need the weapon you lift the leg and reach and draw with the hand. You have no need to pull up the trouser leg first before drawing. The holster would place the weapon on the inside of the left leg for a right hand draw. My initial research has convinced me that this carry is much faster then a traditional muzzle down, pull the pant leg up draw. The placement of the holster on this ankle rig at the moment has the muzzle pointing slightly forward ( aprox 20 *). This puts the grip at the same angle as the drawing hand. Two concerns I have are security of the weapon and I have an uneasy feeling with the muzzle up. With a Kydex holster I believe the security problem is solvable. Muzzle up violates rule #2 even though while holstered it is not possible to fire the weapon. My prototype weapon is a S&W 640.

What do you think …. Am I wasting my time or do you see any benefit to this type of carry? Any suggestions?
For small weapons would a swivel or partial swivel be practical? You could also put in a piece of kevlar or spectra, to deflect a possible AD and for piece of mind.

As to the idea, I think it's good. One of those ideas that's so simple that no one evers thinks of. Defiintely worth pursuing.
I see the idea...and it seems good,
but I agree...I dont want the mussle
to EVER point at my crotch.

Maby with a little more angle so it points and the crotch of the guy behind you?


Mouse Assassins inc.
Sounds good but one suggestion: padding. Be sure it has plenty of padding of some sort. I was wearing an ankle rig and running. The rig went up slightly and came crashing down on my anklebone. Ouchie! Limp, limp, limp.
One problem you may run into is that the ankle is thinner than the calf. The muzzle is thinner than the grip. With your proposed orientation you will have the skinny muzzle near the thick calf and the wide grip at the thin ankle. May very well be less concealable than the std configuration, but you never know until you try. Not one to be caught up in paradigms are you?
An "upside-down" orientation would require a remarkable amount of wrist flexibility to obtain a proper firing grip on initial hand contact. It would also seem to make the grip very available to another person if they interfered while you were groundfighting.

The best way to draw from a conventional ankle rig is to grasp one's left trouser leg up on the thigh area, yank the trouser leg upward while stepping to the left with the left leg, bend at the waist (keeping one's eyes on the target) and grasp the pistol with the right hand. This draw is best accomplished with a holster that holds the pistol stocks-uppermost, on the inside of the left ankle.


Good point. For myself, I was thinking about raising the leg rather than stooping down. Thankfully I haven't gained that much weight since I started.

Scott. Several years ago I carried this way with a S&W J frame .38 and an Ace bandage. It worked pretty well. One thing to consider is your anticipated position when the draw is needed. If drawing from a seated position, muzzle up works very well and is very low key. From a standing position, muzzle down works better. To utilize muzzle up from standing, you would need to twist you wrist around, or lift the carrying leg to allow access to the firearm. Standing on one leg in a defensive situation isn't an attractive option.

Remember - Check 6
I was thinking that a position of cover was highly desirable. Also, mobility isn't as impaired as when kneeling. Gotta have good balance though.