Animal rights drone shot down

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Drudge is reporting that an unmanned drone launched by an animal rights group near the Broxton Bridge Plantation was shot down.

Apparantly, the group was trying to stop a live pigeon shoot. The Times and Democrat reports that the shoot was cancelled but the group launched the drone anyway. Shortly after launch several shots rang out and the drone crashed on a local highway.

If true, good shooting guys.
According to the report, Hindi told the responding deputy the group's remote-controlled aircraft "was hovering over U.S. 601 when he heard a shot come from the wood line. The shot sounded to him that it was of small caliber."

Hindi estimated damage to the drone at around $200 to $300.

Note to self: (Scribbles) Use...... Larger..... Caliber.
Could be a new method that anti's will use in an attempt to disrupt hunting. More to come in the future....:eek:

Imagine you are in a tree stand one day and a drone from that group appears. I know what you will do.......:D
Could be a new method that anti's will use in an attempt to disrupt hunting. More to come in the future....
I can only hope. ;)

Around here, it is a crime to interfere with legal hunting and shooting activities. If they send a drone my way to interfere with my activities; it's going DOWN! :D
Doesn't the FAA have minimum altitude requirements for un-manned aircraft? Either way, it's just plain stupid to put up a camera drone near a shotgun range. What did they think might happen?
As much as I despise some of the antis antics...... two wrongs do not make a right. Here in Wisconsin it is also illegal to harass hunters......but, it is also illegal to intentionally shoot across a highway. It is also illegal to damage private property that is not on your property without the owners permission. On top of that, since the witness said it sounded like small arms fire, it was unsafe to shoot into the air with solid projectiles without any idea of where they may land. In reality, lowering themselves below the level of the antis, by those hunters breaking the law, being unsafe and irresponsible, in the public's eye, it could end up being a victory for the antis. We as shooters/hunters need to exhibit positive images. While it makes me snicker a little knowing the drone was shot down, I'm also worried about the overall impression given to others that do not shoot/hunt.........because they are still in the majority.
I can see a whole new sport coming out of this. Sell tickets for a chance to shoot down a drone, (Rc plane). Include door prizes and balloons for the kids, maybe even a raffle.:D
If they shot it down with shotguns it's no different then duck hunting. Small arms fire could mean anything, especially coming from a animal rights group.
Doesn't the FAA have minimum altitude requirements for un-manned aircraft? Either way, it's just plain stupid to put up a camera drone near a shotgun range. What did they think might happen?

I don't think they are supposed to be over 400 feet. I suppose if a guy had a rangefinder and was directly under the targeted aircraft you might know for certain provided no one is shooting at it with anything. If the drone is over 400feet then you get the FAA involved.
In Iowa animal rights groups were sneaking cameras into livestock buildings and posting the video online to harm the industry.....legislature passed a law prohibiting the practice unless they have permission of the property owner.

I'd think unauthorized camera surveillance on private property without a court order is no different than illegal wiretapping.
American citizens lost a lot of rights with the recent national security legislation that was recently passed and signed into law by BO. From what I have read, the government does not need to have a warrant to use a drone for looking at you and your property from a drone. They can also hold an American citizen indefinitely without any trial.
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