Animal Rights Conference Encourages Terrorism,Unity and Legislative Action to Advance


New member
Thot you guys might like to see this, be careful hunters


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Doug Jeanneret (614) 888-4868 x 212

July 5, 2002 Beth Ruth (614) 888-4868 x 214

Animal Rights Conference Encourages Terrorism,
Unity and Legislative Action to Advance Movement

(Columbus) - Leaders of the animal rights movement who lectured at this year's national animal rights conference advocated terrorist acts, unification and increased legislative action as ways to achieve their goal to provide legal rights to all animals.

A U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance staffer attended four days of the Animal Rights 2002 National Conference, a forum for sharing ideas and information about the animal rights movement. The event was held June 28 through July 3 in Washington, D.C. and sponsored by a number of national animal rights organizations. The staffer attended several workshop sessions despite repeated threats by organizers of physical harm against infiltrators.

Among conference highlights was a statement made by Captain Paul Watson, founder and president of a national animal rights group, The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He said if a human died from one of his actions, he would consider it "collateral damage." Watson claims the U.S. government taught him this because it excuses the bombing of innocent women and children during time of war. He also commented that it is not possible to "commit violence against non-sentient objects. Property damage is not violence."

Co-founder of Animals' Agenda and conference speaker Jim Mason highlighted the importance of unifying animal rights supporters. He said the animal rights movement is up against a "cultural fortress" and must unite to strengthen.

Wayne Pacelle, vice president of the Humane Society of the United States, sent out a call to increase legislative action on behalf of animals. He claims that the biggest failure of the animal rights movement has been "the failure to enact animal protection laws." He says the only way to be successful is "if communities get to know issues...and try to influence the outcome" by voting and contacting their legislators. Pacelle mentions that the ultimate goal of the animal rights movement should be to "create a body of laws to protect animals from individuals."

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance will follow-up this summary of the Animal Rights 2002 National Conference with several detailed articles. They will reinforce the fact that the animal rights movement, which is backed by the Humane Society of the United States, Fund for Animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and thousands of other groups, is not about saving pets in shelters, but rather radically changing our lifestyle by any means possible.

The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers nationally in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs. For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,

One of the best defenses against these jerks is to use their own words against them.

Letters to either Congress or editors, pointing out that HSUS & PETA define "cruelty" such that having pets or eating eggs is cruelty puts a lot hurt on them, as does pointing out they believe that "Rights" includes "freedom from being a pet".

Little Old Ladies don't want to lose Fluffy or Fido.


Does anyone else think it might be fun to see a band of tree huggers eaten by pack of half starved coyotes?
If they were being eaten by those half starved coyotes, it would be time to get an ice chest, a couple of six-packs, some boudin, some fresh hog cracklings, maybe some ham and bread, a lawn chair, an unbrella to keep the sun off, and sit and watch nature take its course...............we must not interfere with nature (half starved coyotes)..........................on second thought maybe a case of Bud Lite would be better than a couple of six-packs to watch that show. :D :D
I got more time out in the middle of wildlife than those silly twits have just being alive. Heck, I got more campfire time than they've got years! And these cretins presume to tell me what I can eat?

Well, tough stuff. I'm a natural food freak.

I'd like to see this Paul Watson creature decide to follow up with this 'He said if a human died from one of his actions, he would consider it "collateral damage."' I dunno. How quiet can he walk? My last Bambi was at 30 yards--and like I say, I'm a walking hunter, not a sitting ambusher. When I sit, I do a pretty good rock or stump imitation...

Wonder whut he'd dress out at? Is the season closed? I have a mild hostility toward those who threaten my life.

:D, Art
"Captain" Watson, a small-time Canadian crook who decided there was an easy buck to be made in the "environmental business", has a history of trying to ram small fishing boats. I think he came close to killing some Canadian fishermen once, but he isn't enough of a sailor to hit such small targets. The only time he has actually hit anything, as far as I know, was when a Norwegian Coast Guard cutter placed itself between him and one of his intended targets. By the time the "captain" had figured out the difference between left/right/port/starboard he had rammed the cutter (without doing any serious damage). I don't know if he soiled himself, but it sure sounded like it on the recordings of the radio traffic. He later told his tame reporters that he had bravely fought off an attempt by the mighty Norwegian Navy to sink his ship...

Redneck: I would buy a ticket. :D
Art, if that Watson creature ever tries to "collaterally damage" you, I would buy a ticket for that show as well. :D
A short Bio...

The Man himself.

"Paul Watson, a self-described "buccaneer," is founder of The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and was one of the principal founders of Greenpeace. He was reportedly ousted from Greenpeace in the late 1970s for violating the organization's principle of "non-violent" action. Prior to joining Greenpeace, Watson had been active with the Vancouver Liberation Front.

Watson founded The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977 to fight against whale and seal hunting. His methods have been extreme. In 1979, he used his ship, the Sea Shepherd, to ram the whaling ship Sierra located off the coast of Portugal. Portuguese authorities seized Watson's ship to compensate the whalers for damages, but before it could be sold, Watson managed to slip aboard his ship and sink it. Several months later, the Sierra was blown up. A woman claiming responsibility for the bombing told the UPI, "The Sea Shepherd is avenged!" These were only the first in a series of attacks on ships by The Sea Shepherd organization: In 1986, Paul Watson claimed responsibility for sinking two Icelandic whaling vessels; in 1990, he rammed two Japanese fishing ships; and in 1991, he rammed a Mexican tuna boat and attempted to ram a Taiwanese drift net ship. Most recently, on August 1, 1993, Watson was arrested by Canadian police on the deck of the Cleveland Amory (named after a financial backer) and charged with three counts of mischief on the high seas. The Amory had nearly rammed a Spanish fishing boat off the coast of Newfoundland."

Hey, if ya can't beat him, join him. Send in an editorial supporting his organization and advocate murder, arson, Deliverance-style sodomy on lone hunters, and other acts of terrorism, just like the good Captain does. Go as over-the-top as possible, and quote the Captain liberally.

Call a few radio talk shows, too, and work yourself into a froth on the air. The more people who hear about the advocation of crimes and calling the death of innocent people "collateral damage" the less support this fool will get.

I once heard "If animals were not meant to be eaten, then why are they made out of meat?" I can't remember where I heard that quote from, but it sums up my opinion on the matter.
You ever notice PETA NEVER trys to ram boats in Texas?

Must be all the X-SVA troops chewing the boats up with M-16s?
I really doubt a Watson-type would ever mess with a Gulf shrimper. The average shrimper enjoys a one-on-one confrontation, and Watson would learn what a shrimper's marine radio can do. A few dozen shrimpers would come looking for fun, and Watson's last words would resemble Custer's "Where'd all those effing Indians come from?"

:D, Art
Something to think about:

Some of the smartest creatures in the woods are omnivores. Probably next down the list in intelligence are carnivores. Low men on the totem pole are herbivores. This pretty much sums up my thoughts on vegan losers.
One of my favorite quotes is, I believe, from James P. Hogan's "Gentle Giants of Ganymede." "It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to sneak up on a blade of grass." I irritate my veggie friends to know end by reminding them of that.

We didn't get to the top of the food chain by stalking carrots.
Art, Zorro: When threatened with violence from Watson and his crowd, one Norwegian fisherman/whaler drily remarked that they were quite able to look after themselves. If rifles were to prove ineffective for self defence, the whaler said that the little gun on the fo'c'sle (attached) could be used for targets other than whale. :)

If it ever came to a violent confrontation, my guess is that one of these fishermen could beat the crap out of three enviro-ninjas - without taking his hands out of his pockets.

Ronin: When the whaling debate was at the loudest a few years ago you could buy T-shirts over here with a picture of a whale and the text: "Intelligent food for intelligent people" (in English). According to biologists, though, the average whale is only about as smart as a cow, dolphins maybe like a dog.


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A Gulf shrimper is just ornery enough to drag across Watson's stern, turn ninety degrees and drag his nets across the prop. After cutting loose, he'll offer to take 'em in tow, for no more cost that the damages to the net. :D

Or, maybe, salvage...

:D, Art
A Cajun(coonass) shrimper or coonass crew boat skipper would give up his boudin and beer to have a shot at Watson or a PETA type person!

(For those that dont know he will give his right arm and left............well you know what I mean before he gives up his boudin and beer) Watson or his cronies better watch out :D