I guess I can stop boycotting Bud. I thought they were anti-gun. If nothing else, their move in supporting CCW has done exactly what they intended it to do: reveal to people like myself that they are indeed NOT anti-gun (so it appears).
I think we all need to flood Budweiser with E-mail in support of the stand they have taken . This is a step in the right direction and the article with Sara Brady's comments that Bud is promoting guns and alcohol mixing makes me sick
This Bud's for U I think I will switch from Coors to Bud (at least untill I hear of Coors doing the same thing)
E-mail address is

[This message has been edited by Daren Thompson (edited April 05, 1999).]
A-B has always been a big supporter of hunting and shooting sports from the start. Unfortunately for me I'm not a big drinker.

I wonder if anyone has a list somewhere of which companies are pro and which are anti. It would certainly help me decide which stores to go to.

- Ron V.

Had a friend from Colorado back when I was going to college who told me that the Coors family was anti-gun. Have never checked it out though.
Back when AB first came out in support of Prop B, I emailed them expressing my thanks, noting that I'm neither a Bud drinker nor a Missourian, and also noting that the former may change for just this reason.

They replied a couple of days later with what appeared to be a personalized note, thanking me in return and promising to forward my note to the right people.

Two thumbs up for AB.

I also wrote to the Boston Beer Company, makers of Sam Adams. I asked what their stance is on RKBA, noting that Mr. Adams was a fierce patriot and proponent of RKBA. They replied with "We don't take public positions on political issues." Hypocrites.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
I have also heard that Coors "Rocky Mountain urine" is anti-gun. But then again, I heard that Bud was before, so who knows?

I would like to email Bud and tell them that I will occasionally enjoy a Bud Light with my friends now, when I was before boycotting them.

Do you have the email address that worked for you so I can email tham?

I quit drinking years ago, but I may have just found a reason to start back! ;) I always was a Bud man and I'm glad to know my money wasn't wasted. E-mail onthe way!
I sent:

To whom it may concern,
> I would like to commend you on your support of Missouri
Proposition B. I
> am a resident of Minnesota as well as a law-abiding VA CCW permit
> currently serving my country in the US Coast Guard in Virginia. The
stand to
> protect the ideals and rights of self - protection I hold very dear
which you
> have taken amidst unpopular media, very much impressed me. Due to
this, I
> will STRONGLY SUPPORT your company and have SWITCHED to your products
as well
> as spreading the word to everyone I know. Please continue the good
> Don't back down under negative press from HCI and other anti gun
> Contrary to media belief, the pro-gun/ pro-rights numbers are many
> growing. I hope more companies and organizations will follow your
lead, to
> allow such rights to pass in Minnesota.
> Sincere Thanks,

Bud Central reply:

Thank you for recently contacting Anheuser-Busch with your views on
B. We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts as well as
with us.

Anheuser-Busch has always supported individual freedoms and the
rights of all Americans. We have a long tradition of promoting
firearms ownership, as well as shooting sports.

Again, thank you for your email, your support and your loyalty to

Your friends at Anheuser-Busch

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
To: Daren T.,FAL308,Ursus, Thaddeus; If Coors was anti-gun, why do they hold an old fashioned "Scheutzenfest" every year? This is with the old style single shot rifles, standing on your hind legs shooting at 100, and 200 yards in the old German style. Somehow that just does not sound anti-gun to me. BTW. I will also E-mail A-B thanking them for the MO stand. Bud and Coors will be served in my house.
Paul B.
I never said Coors was anti-gun, I said to my knowledge they have never openly supported the RKBA and the fact that Bud has made the effort to support RKBA I think is a step in the right direction and I will show my support by using their product. :)

[This message has been edited by Daren Thompson (edited April 08, 1999).]
I think what you all have decided to do (let AB know how much you appreciate their stand). Is a great idea. We (pro-gunners) tend to get caught up in boycotts and letting people know how angry we are that they did such and such. In the long run this strategy BY ITSELF will be difficult to maintain. Notice how the list of "bad" companies i.e.: those supporting gun-control seems to grow every year.

Pretty soon boycotting will be too difficult to continue. HCI et al are forming alliances and bringing companies into their fold while we primarily express our anger at these companies. We need to make some friends of our own, and I think AB is a great place to start. It's much more productive and powerful in the long run to build alliances then to simply curse you enemies. One is a reactive position the other proactive.

My letter goes out to AB tonight, I think it's important that they feel they did the right thing.
