Angry white men

W. C. Quantrill

New member
In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man

From: The Aspen Times
by Gary Hubbell
February 9, 2008

There is a great amount of interest in this year’s presidential elections, as everybody seems to recognize that our next president has to be a lot better than George Bush. The Democrats are riding high with two groundbreaking candidates — a woman and an African-American — while the conservative Republicans are in a quandary about their party’s nod to a quasi-liberal maverick, John McCain.

Each candidate is carefully pandering to a smorgasbord of special-interest groups, ranging from gay, lesbian and transgender people to children of illegal immigrants to working mothers to evangelical Christians.

There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.

His common traits are that he isn’t looking for anything from anyone — just the promise to be able to make his own way on a level playing field. In many cases, he is an independent businessman and employs several people. He pays more than his share of taxes and works hard.

The victimhood syndrome buzzwords — “disenfranchised,” “marginalized” and “voiceless” — don’t resonate with him. “Press ‘one’ for English” is a curse-word to him. He’s used to picking up the tab, whether it’s the company Christmas party, three sets of braces, three college educations or a beautiful wedding.

He believes the Constitution is to be interpreted literally, not as a “living document” open to the whims and vagaries of a panel of judges who have never worked an honest day in their lives.

The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn’t bother him.

The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.

His last name and religion don’t matter. His background might be Italian, English, Polish, German, Slavic, Irish, or Russian, and he might have Cherokee, Mexican, or Puerto Rican mixed in, but he considers himself a white American.

He’s a man’s man, the kind of guy who likes to play poker, watch football, hunt white-tailed deer, call turkeys, play golf, spend a few bucks at a strip club once in a blue moon, change his own oil and build things. He coaches baseball, soccer and football teams and doesn’t ask for a penny. He’s the kind of guy who can put an addition on his house with a couple of friends, drill an oil well, weld a new bumper for his truck, design a factory and publish books. He can fill a train with 100,000 tons of coal and get it to the power plant on time so that you keep the lights on and never know what it took to flip that light switch.

Women either love him or hate him, but they know he’s a man, not a dishrag. If they’re looking for someone to walk all over, they’ve got the wrong guy. He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says “Yes, sir” and “No, ma’am.”

He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green. He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.

He’s not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English.

Most important, the Angry White Man is pissed off. When his job site becomes flooded with illegal workers who don’t pay taxes and his wages drop like a stone, he gets righteously angry. When his job gets shipped overseas, and he has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers. When Al Sharpton comes on TV, leading some rally for reparations for slavery or some such nonsense, he bites his tongue and he remembers. When a child gets charged with carrying a concealed weapon for mistakenly bringing a penknife to school, he takes note of who the local idiots are in education and law enforcement.

He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It’s not that she is a woman. It’s that she is who she is. It’s the liberal victim groups she panders to, the “poor me” attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.

There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush.

He hopes that she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.

Not intending to be racist, it aint about color, it is about principle.
Not intending to be racist, it aint about color, it is about principle.

I just had a really sad day yesterday. My neighbors had to move to a bigger place. The "angry man" at the head of the family took in relatives, believing such to be a family not a state responsibility.

He is a conservative Republican politically, his wife the same. They are Black and they vote. They support individual rights to self defense and self determination.

I think you are describing the core values of America. God help us all if those values are confined to gender or race.
hate to burst your bubble but the number of "angry white men" that fit all those criteria is a barely significant minority these days
barely significant minority these days


In the scheme of things in this country if you are a white heterosexual male, lack of success is because you are lazy, stupid, or just unlucky.

All others seem to be limited only by their imagination as to how anything and everything is not their fault, and the government needs to fix it.
Good article. I agree wholeheartedly. I am a Very Angry White Man.

hate to burst your bubble but the number of "angry white men" that fit all those criteria is a barely significant minority these days
Every group is a minority, so that's not the problem.

The problem is that it's prohibited in our revolting multicultural/diversity driven culture for white men to group together to have a common voice. There is a group promoting anything and everything, except white men. If you started a group that promoted the interests of white men you'd be shouted down as a KKK/Nazi by all the shrill talking heads in every media outlet, and forced to apologize for the audacity of promoting your own ethnic group.
Ever heard of a white college?
The NAACP exists. Where is the NAAWP?
Where is the White Congressional Caucus?
Affirmative action does not help whites, no matter how underpriveleged.
Scholarships only for white kids? Blacks get them all the time.
Racial job quotas and college quotas never include whites.
Want to seal the borders? Then you're an anti-hispanic racist.
League of Women Voters? Where is the Man Voters League?

I could go on all day with more examples. You get the idea.

Also, the column you cited seems to think that the only threat out there is Hillary, when in truth Obama is even worse.
a bit overstated and overestimated.

"There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush"

I believe the author has made sever generalizations that are great myths but not true to then extent he would like you to believe. That is especially true when he professes all NRA members meet his criteria and all NRA members will not vote for Hillary. If all NRA members met his criteria there would be a whole lot less members belonging to the NRA: especially those who are not in fact old, white nor male.

You could go on and on about the fallacies in the article. From the standpoint that there are a lot of unhappy people in the country he is right. His stereotyping on the other hand is completly off base.
He could have used a little bit different language...

If the author had stated something like "they come in all colors, genders, and even orientations, but they are typified by the image of the Angry White Male", and gone on to state that the AWM typifies the older core values of this country, and need be neither angry, white, or male to be someone who is just fed up with all the pandering to everyone except people like him. How they are expected to just quietly take every slight and insult, and pay for the privilege.

They aren't all angry white males, but they (and I) are angry Americans, and large numbers of us are quietly reaching close to the point of being "mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore". We don't make the news (usually), we are not courted by the politicians, only lied to. The talking heads mostly ignore or trivialize us, focusing on more vocal minorities, and more ethnically uniform ones.

Once upon a time we were called the Silent Majority. We may no longer be the majority numerically (depending on who's numbers you use), but we are not irrelevant, not quite yet.
It doesn't matter what race, gender, or whatever. My concern is that the number of voters wanting the government to provide economic security for them regardless of effort and the politicians willing to exploit this are going to overwhelm the individuals and industries creating the wealth. When that happens, we are in deep trouble.
It will be awesome when this country stops thinking in terms of groups fightng groups for Govt favor and realize the Constitution does not protect groups but Individual Liberty.........only then will this country "get it".

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Ayn Rand
League of Women Voters? Where is the Man Voters League?

Don't talk bad about the League of Women Voters. We actually had fair and reasonable debates when they ran them. Not like the sham debates we've had this year.

BTW, I agree 100% with the sentement of the article, but I don't think white men (like me) have a monopoly on anger or work ethic.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Hubbell is a Southerner.

For example, he states:
He stands up straight, opens doors for women and says “Yes, sir” and “No, ma’am.”

It's not common for people in the north to address women as ma'am, or for children to be raised to refer to thier parents or other adults as "Sir" or "Ma'am"

All the essay shows is that Hubbell, like most human beings, sees himself and other represenatives of his social group as the model, ideal man.
Born 9-11-57 I was always thought to address adults by there last name ,Sir and or Mam! If I did not know them personally, I was to State, Mam, Sir! Unless they were family or very close to the family you never called them by nick name, or fist name.

Hey You! Dude! or Other disrespect would Earn you a slot on the social **** Pile. At least for a while until you leaned better!;)

They Called That Respect!:D

My kids have been brought up in the same fashion.