Angled foregrip on 12ga???


New member
I love my angled fore grip. Maybe I love it too much. Anyway, I just traded my brother a rifle for a Mossberg pump. I am thinking that an angled fore grip with a thumb piece would offer a tremendously secure grip as well as helping with muzzle rise and possibly felt recoil. So, someone please tell me, is this a stupid idea? Has anyone on this forum tried this before? If so, how did you mount it? Is this one of those things that looks better on paper? I broke my left wrist when in the military, although I am right handed, and cannot fully supinate my left hand so this device helps me tremendously with my rifles. I am trying to rely on someone else's experience before trying this particular idea out for myself. I did an email search but came up relatively empty handed. Your help is appreciated.
nemesiss45 said:
why not go with a pistol grip? those are a dime a dozen for the mossberg

What good would a pistol grip do for a right handed shooter who cannot rotate his LEFT wrist?

OP, I have never even really heard of someone doing this, but a quick google search showed some discussions on some other forums I can't access due to being on a work computer. Like you, however, I can see where it might help with your wrist problem, but I don't know how much overall improvement it would make.
I am under the impression the OP has trouble rotating his hand to hold a standard foregrip, and that the angled foregrip allows him to rotate his hand less. i would imagine a pistol grip would be even easier.... but I could be wrong.

anyway, I found this:

and this should attach to the bottom rail:

There seem to be a lot of tr-rail foregrip options, some more traditionally styled than the one I linked to.
@nemesiss45: OK, I see what you're saying. Typically, a pistol grip is attached to the buttstock, and held in the dominant hand. I think what you are envisioning is a vertical foregrip.

I would think that a vertical foregrip would make racking a pump action shotgum easier than an AFG, but without putting hands on, I don't know how much easier.
I broke my wrist years ago. One of the motions that I have difficulty with, for instance, would be holding a handful of M&M's. That is supination. So, firing while prone can be especially difficult, especially so for a prolonged duration. I found an Israeli version of the AFG that has a thumb latch as well. Very comfortable for me. It may sound strange, but I do not find the vertical grip as comfortable and I seem to fatigue more quickly with it.

That is dead on! This is my next purchase!!!!!!