Andy Griffith help.


New member
Okay I know how much you guys are on top of things.....

I need to win this wager with someone here...You see, I've only seen the "Andy Griffith Show" maybe three times in my life and was wondering---

---Who was it that carried an empty gun with one cartridge in his pocket? Andy or Barney?

Please, a box of Cor-Bon .45s is riding on this life-or-death matter. :)
It was Barney, One round in his buttoned pocket, revolver in a swivel holster and empty drop pouches on his belt.

If I were Barney I'd would've dumped the .38 and swivel holster, bought a magnum, a Border Patrol holster and some speed loaders. Then I'd told Andy to retire and just go fishing.

Andy did not carry any weapon, if I remember correctly.

P.S. Who wins the bet? :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 23, 1999).]
Deputy Barney Fife carried his Colt roundgun empty, with a single cartridge in his pocket. I believe it was either an Official Police or the Officers Model.

Sheriff Andy Taylor rarely needed a gun, but when he did, he typically took one of the shotguns.
I think Andy did keep a holstered handgun in a drawer of his desk. He only took it out and belted it on when things got 'really serious' in and around town.

- Ron V.


Well, there goes the Cor-Bons. :(

I figured Andy would've been the one and Barney who was a complete schizo would've carried a couple of guns loaded to the max.... Oh well, live and learn.

Thanks everyone. Maybe I can figure out a little white lie to save my own ammo....hmm. :)
Sorry spleenandideal, but if you lost that bet you deserve to pay up.

Andy also kept his revolver on top of the China cabinet--another American who kept a loaded firearm around the house. I guess Opie had proper training, as he avoided killing Arnold with it.
Kill Arnold?

The only way he could have done that is if Arnold waddled over to the Mayberry set from the Green Acres set! :) ;)
Wasn't there an episode where an unarmed Sheriff Andy walked up to a barricaded gunman and applied verbal judo to disarm him?

Gee, betcha' gangs are trafficking narcotics in Mayberry today and if Barney were still around, the only single shot gun he'd carry would be an 49mm M79 loaded with WP.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I saw an episode last night where a bank guard gave Barney a Thompson subgun! I expected something fun to happen but then Andy took it away from him. Bummer.
Didn't Andy issue Barney the one bullet each morning?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Every training class I have taken reminds us to keep some "Barny Bullets" in our pockets to refill mags as we have a chance... :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Lucas and Mal H. - Arnold could have protected himself by telling the Fonz that someone was messing with him... Sheesh!

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
4V50 Gary,
In the episode in question, a local moonshiner was holding a bunch of "revenooers" at bay with a Winchester lever gun. Andy walked right up to the house, ignoring several near misses, snatched the rifle from the moonshiners hands and said something like "Stop foolin' around before ya hurt somebody!" Being a good sheriff, he knew the people. This particular guy wouldn't have actually shot anybody. He was just trying to scare 'em off.

Andy did have a revolver, but as I recall when he felt the need to arm himself he went for a lever gun.

Hey, I'm a child of the fifties. I know these things. :)
Yes, it was Barney who carried only one bullet..although I do know of at least one occasion where Andy allowed Barney to fully load his revolver.

Hey, I'm I child of the 80's..I know these things!

20 yrs old..Member NRA and TAGSRWC WMUTBB Chapter(The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watcher's Club: Who Messed Up The Bulletin Board Chapter) AND proud owner of over 100 recorded episodes!

There was a reason for all that. Barney at first couldn't have a gun at all, which caused him great emotional problems (as did everything) until Andy relented and allowed it. First thing you know Barney has accidentally discharged the thing, I believe murdering the water cooler or some such. At that point he was not allowed to load it any more, had the single bullet.