Android shot timer


Hi guys,

I don't know if this is the correct forum to write about it. If not I apologize.

My name is Eduardo and I'm a newbie shooter from Brazil.

A few months ago I was training with a friend and we decided to test some timer apps for Android, because we didn't have a professional shot timer available. We realized that the available apps didn't fit well at some point, they didn't detect some shots or their user interface was poorly and confused, so I ended up developing the ShoTimer app that is now available on Google Play. I invite you all to test the application. It's not free, but the cost is lower than a real device, it is always available once you carry your phone with you and the app save your training data for future check.

I hope the app may be useful to someone like it is to myself. Any feedback is welcome and will be considered for future updates :)

Link: Google Play
My experience with Iphone/Android shot timers in competition is they don't work well enough to be useful. Either miss shots or pickup shots from another bay. However, if you are practicing by yourself, the apps may be ok.
It's true. I also experienced this problem with some apps. In indoor shooting ranges even some real devices face fault detection. I implemented in ShoTimer a manual calibration feature that can reduce this problem. You make some shots and a graph displays the noise waves captured, then you can select the peak corresponding to one of his shots. It has worked well.