And you thought your gun collection appreciated fast!

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New member
All of my guns have appreciated rather quickly. Not that I will ever sell them, but some of us do buy and sell for profit.

During the last week, there's a product which has appreciated to the point of absurdity. And if you or your kids happen to have it, DO NOT SELL...yet, at least. Cash cow books.

Since never did think that six of my old Dr. Seuss children's books would be an instant market sensation, outdoing my gun collection...percentage-wise in the time frame it has.

If you aren't already aware of these six books, Google them. Used ones are going from $250.00 to $1,000.00 each, depending on year published and condition.

More cancel-culture to go along with gun bans. The triggered pinkos would have a coronary if the fine Doctor wrote "One gun, two gun, three gun, stun gun!"
I had walked past a display of new Dr Seuss books and thought to myself "how long 'till the cancel culture goes after him". The next day that was in the news.

Maybe I should check to see if my Mom still has the ones she bought for my sister and I back in 59 or so.

If you find any of the political cartoons he drew during WWII they were very unflattering to our opponents.
Don't know about the value of my guns, but based on some of the FS ads I see on other forums, I've got about a Lexus worth of reloading supplies, maybe two. LOL
I keep my ammo stash listed on a spreadsheet with caliber, date purchased, cost, quantity, etc. Using average purchased prices that I paid (pre-pandemic) compared to average prices today (with a lot of research) my stash is now worth 3.8 times what I paid.

Will I ever sell some? NEVER!
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