And this is how it starts.......


New member
So, my daughter decided that she may want to try some deer hunting with dad. After some counseling, a bit of range time, and scrounging some clothes, I thought she was ready to go. That was until I walked down stairs to find this (see pic). I just thought I would share the high fashion hunter. Sorry about the crappy cell pic.......but I laugh every time I open the photo.


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Based on that smile

let her take the purse. My daughters never gotten into hunting but she will sit with me on stand - but got to be comfortable and of course , look good. Enjoy your time together.
Nicely done there young lady. Her choice of purse adds so much flare to her 3X-camouflage coveralls don't you think. Curious in her choice of footwear though. Is she also wearing size 10-12 Sorel boots? The only thing that fits. Maybe. Is the hat. I don't see how she could shoulder a rifle in that get-up. But than again, anything is possible with kids._:p_:D
Well, I'm glad she is taking an interest in hunting and she was wearing her brother's gear so.........yes she was swimming in the clothes. When we got to the blind, I had her shoulder the gun. She had good form and said she was able to steady the crosshairs on a tree she used as a target. She was quiet, she sat still, and we were out there for 3 hours in about 25 degree weather with a north wind smacking us right in the face. She said she got a bit cold in the fingers and toes but all in all had a good time. The last 45 minutes I could tell she was getting serious.......not too much talking between us. We didn't have any action which was a little disappointing but, I was very proud of my little girl.

And the stylish purse stayed in the truck.
The purse had hers and your lunch in it and u left it in the truck!!! No wonder she got cold, no fuel for her, shame shame.
Took my wife hunting the last day of the 2011-2012 season. She dressed in gray sweat pants, blue sweat shirt, hair band, and sneakers. We went right after church and she still had her perfume on and she sat in the blind reading a magazine! I figured we'd never see anything and it would be just a nice afternoon in the woods together, until I ended up shooting a huge doe! My wife helped drag it and load it into the truck, and even went along to the processor. Now she makes fun of me for wearing all my camo! :rolleyes:
wives-daughters its all good

Last year I took my wife elk hunting with great success. She got her cow with a .243 at about 75 yds. The really funny part is this. It was late in the afternoon and we were both in a hurry to get to our spot. When we got out of the truck I looked down at her boots.......they were designer boots with 3" heels. We still laugh about it and she helped clean, skin and drag it to the truck in her heels.:D:D
Okay DiffyDoc............that beats my daughter's purse hands down. She left it in the truck for gosh sakes.