I agree it's like watching some sick, demented game. If the consequences weren’t so dire, I'd be eating peanuts and laughing my a$$ off right now.
Here's a few rambling thoughts that came to mind when reading your post and are probably completely irrelevant.
If the Chinese were to walk into Taiwan today, 2/3 of the Taiwanese would welcome them. But, that's much more trouble than it's worth for China right now so they just rattle the saber once in a while to keep face (Asian ego thing). As China is now becoming one of the most progressively capitalist nations on earth, the two countries will most likely reunite through economic assimilation. Whether they want to admit it or not, China is ready to rid them selves of the communist fad. They just want to do a better job of it than the USSR did.
I can't remember anymore why we're so concerned where the flying scuds land. I just know I'm getting tired of paying $300 a month to fill my cars with gas. I'm probably wrong about this one but someone's gonna' have to remind me why.
North Korea will probably get about two miles past the bridge before their truck breaks down. Then they'll need some more western capital to get it running again. South Korean money is much more important to them then political ideology right now. They too will eventually get back together and they'll lead the world in the number of Japanese designed golf courses per square mile.
Camel races are much more fun to watch then these whimpy American/European horse races (except you can never seem to find the beer guy). It is also a very (surprisingly) dangerous sport and so those jockeys have my utmost respect. I also think that if any of those guys had a suitcase bomb... wouldn't Tel Aviv be a crater right now?
Get out and travel a bit. The world is a much more complicated, simple and utterly capable place then the paranoid lobe of our brain would have us believe. It is also interesting to see how the rest of the world is pretty much in agreement that we are the most aggressive and dangerous nation on earth. Money now controls the fates of nations much more than any bombs. When you get back you'll realize that the real goblins in your life probably live next door and didn't even vote.
Yes, I'm terrified about what the results of this election may bring. I'm afraid of the further degradation of our children’s morals and values that the left is pursuing so vigorously. I'm afraid of just becoming another government "over" the people instead of one "of" the people. And I fear that this liberal search for a safer Utopia will further remove us of the intrinsic human rights that this country was founded upon. These "ideals" have destroyed stronger and older nations then ours. I think we will become an evil nation long before any evil nation can best us.
I apologise to all for the innane rambling. I'm going to bed now.