and the band plays on


New member
A brief skim of listed comments does not show anything on the following, so I will take a chance. Should I be beating a dead horse, sorry about that.

Re it's keeping a record of NICS checks, "for audit purposes" it claims, The FBI is flatly in violation of existing federal law. Funny situation, for a "law enforcement agency" to be in, no? As usual, one seen the fine hand of Clinton-Reno et al in the foregoing.

It remains however, that a publically funded law enforcement agency is operating in blatant violation of the law. It also seems that The Congress (House and Senate), as usual, have turned a blind eye to this illegal activity by a government agency, as well as ignoring their constitutional oversight responsibility.

I think I have said enough on this. What do readers have to say, if anything, and more interesting than that is, what have readers had to say to their "elected things"?
I'm with Longhair, send in the Rangers!
From what I can figure, The Texas Rangers are about the only LEA left that's truly American, highly respectable, and ain't afraid to "blow the whistle" on the corrupt Government agencies.
(No offense to other respectable LEA's out there). ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
jimpeel,longhair,Dennia, outlaw 1 and anyone else who might be interested:

Since The Congress is out of session and Washington, D.C., allowing one to release from the storm cellar, women and children, and also allowing the bringing forth THE GOOD WHISKY, vaious "elected things" might be at home, in their districts. It might be easier to reach them there, than in D.C., making them available for "the venting of spleen", who knpows.