And so it starts again in Australia ....

An extract from this morning's West Australian newsrag:

Labor calls for new guns limit


Rebecca Rose

A series of bloody street shootings has prompted Labor defence spokesman Stephen Martin to call for all [emphasis added] guns to be restricted to the police, defence force and a tightly controlled group of farmers.

Mr Martin said recent shooting incidents -- including one in his electorate of Cunningham in NSW -- showed the uniform gun laws hammered out [sic] after the Port Arthur tragedy were not working and drastic measures had to be taken to protect the public.

"As far as I am concerned, you separate out [sic] the defence force, the police and maybe some farmers who legitimately need guns on their property and say no one else beyond that," Mr Martin said.

Mr Martin called on the police ministers' council -- which meets again in the middle of this year -- to look closely at why anyone else should be allowed to own guns.
Arrrrggghhh !

The bulk (3 out of 4) of the N.S.W shootings are DRUG WAR related & of course the gang members are going to hand in their illegal guns !

And you thought your politicians were a bunch of fat, lazy, overpaid fools !

We may be a tad behind the US in a few things but our polititians are up there with the best/worst !! grrrrrrrrr :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
HS/Bruce: Sounds typical. Not much difference in politicians anywhere in the world. They'll say/do anything to keep their job (power) as most of them can't make a living otherwise. By the way, read in the latest edition of American Handgunner that you're having a problem down there with crooked cops selling the guns (you were forced to turn in) to criminal gangs, etc. Is this true? Good luck and Cheers.
Mike/Mort: Very true. I think the anger comes from the fact it is so blatantly wrong -- no amount of legislation will affect anyone other than the law-abiding citizen.

As an instance, this morning's West Australian (26/2/99) reports under the headline 'Assault rifle seized', that police seized 'an [sic] Chinese SKS assault rifle and cannabis and amphetamines' during a drug raid.

That gun is banned already -- new regulations are going to make not one iota of difference to people like this.

What do we do about it? Do we squeal? Yes, loud and long. And the newspapers refuse to print it (they even refuse paid advertising that's pro-gun), TV stations aren't interested unless it's anti-gun, radio commentators openly describe us as "rednecks", "gun-nuts" and "potential murderers", and politicians reply (usually via a secretary or some other lackey) and tell us we don't know how well-off we are under the present regime and how grateful we should be to have the "privilege" of owning ANY firearm at all. One American-owned oil company here uses a high-profile anti-gun personality as an advertising figurehead. The first shooter who wrote and complained, and said he wouldn't buy their products any more, was told in writing by the company his letter exhibited signs of paranoia inconsistent with gun ownership; they then sent a copy to the State health authorities and the police force to try to get his firearms licence revoked. (Fortunately, they didn't succeed.)
I'm currious, with gun laws so tight down there, how do you manage to keep yours? I thought practically all guns had been banned. Exactly what can an Australian have in the way of firearms these days?
Grayfox: Despite being called "Uniform Firearms Laws", there are differences between States. Basically, this is how it works in Western Australia:

• ALL semi-auto rifles and shotguns, and pump action shotguns banned, with (very) limited exceptions based on land ownership/need, physical disability etc.
• ALL firearms are registered and you require an FAL (Firearms Licence). Each firearms is licenced and treated separately.
• To get a licence for a firearm (and you have to do this each time), you need to convince the police you have a genuine REASON and NEED for the firearm. "Reason" is generally "destruction of vermin" or for "competition purposes".
• For competition purposes, your licence will be endorsed appropriately; you can NOT use that firearm for any other purpose, not even hunting.
• A so-called "open licence" allows you to use the firearm for hunting and/or targets. However, you are required to obtain written permission from each landowner on whose property you intend to shoot. Based on the property size and proximity to other people etc., the police will make a decision on what calibre weapon you may acquire. It is difficult for the average person to get sufficient land to get much more than, say, a .222 or .243. Police were endorsing licences to only allow you to shoot on one property -- but a pro-gun lawyer here had that practice stopped.
• "Need" is based on convincing the police that you need, say, a 22-250 for long distance varmint shooting if you already have a 22 Hornet; or that a 22LR Anschutz AST Achiever is fine for target work, but for rabbits you'd rather use a Winchester lever action in 22LR; or that you're not keen on taking your $5000 Perazzi over-and-under out fox shooting. To them, ONE centrefire, ONE rimfire and ONE shotgun should meet all your needs -- they have problems seeing why you'd NEED more.
• The same rules apply for shotguns -- note that duck shooting has been banned for years, thanks to the animal liberationists.
• "Self-defence" is expressly excluded by legislation as a reason for gun ownership.
• There is no such thing as CCW. Handguns may only be obtained on a competition basis, and must have a specified form of support from a recognised firearms club. You will need to have undergone a safety/training course, on-range supervision, and six months probation (in most clubs) before you will get club support. You must then shoot competitively at least once every eight weeks, or support is withdrawn and the pistol seized by the police. Needless to say, using it *anywhere* except on a range will result in charges being laid against you.
• There is a 28-day waiting period for each and every firearms acquisition (sometimes rigidly enforced; sometimes not).
• Gun cabinets (steel to police specifications) are mandatory. These are to be bolted to the wall and floor inside your home. Keys are to be "hidden". Firearm bolts and ammo to be stored separately from the rifle inside another locked section/box inside the cabinet. NO ONE (not even your wife) may have access to the cabinet, unless he/she has a licence to use your firearms.
• No private firearms sales (must be done through your local cop shop or a licensed dealer)
• Adverts offering guns (or parts) or ammo/reloading consumables must contain your licence no. (Makes it easy to check)
• Police may enter your home without warrant to check on your storage, but not without notice.
• Even possessing one round of ammunition for a calibre for which you have no licence will find you charged by the police.
• A domestic violence order against you will see your firearms seized.
• "Medical professionals" may notify the police to seize your firearms if they don't feel you should have them. The right to sue these people has been blocked by specific legislation; you have no method of redress against them.
• If your firearms are taken by police, the onus is on you to prove you are a fit and worthy person to have them back. You go before a sort of "tribunal" to do this (at your own expense).
• A similar situation prevails if your application for a licence/firearm is refused.
• Use a firearm to defend yourself and you WILL be charged.

Look, there's heaps more, but that gives you the main idea.

And, of course, now we're told these rules aren't "strict enough" ............

Bruce: Yes please share the name of that oil company with us, and if possible the spokesperson you mention. I'm sure they (the oil company) won't mind since they have no qualms about a public campaign being publisized. As far as the laws you have are concerned, all I can say is shi*. It's a truely sad thing to see a great country like OZ fall prey to the efforts of the media and outside influences. Where the h*ll does a company, owned by citizens of a foreign country come off telling the people how they should live. That would be the equalivent of Honda or Sony launching a campaign here in the US.
OK .... since you ask .....

The personality is John Laws -- an Australian radio "icon" (who thinks, incidentally, it's all right for him to have CCW licence -- but no one else).

The company is Valvoline.

PS: This was printed in several Australian gun magazines -- it may still be on the SSAA website (I'm not sure), which is worth investigation by our American cousins (it's our smaller version of the NRA).

The URL is:

[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited February 26, 1999).]
Things are a little more relaxed in Queensland. Some gun dealers have CCWs and certain individuals such as Security Company owners & others in high cash flow etc do to.

If you already own a firearm the waiting period is 5 days or less for another of the same type.

Ammo for guns you don't own is not an issue here either - Thank God! - as I've gone through a few different calibre guns lately, ammo here.. there...EVERYWHERE ! ;)

I'd be done like a Lamb dinner !

Ducks still have a perilous existance here as the "greenies" haven't quite won that battle.

All the other "laws" mentioned by Bruce are pretty much the same Aus wide, once again for the record.... grrrrrrrrr :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
I have to get an oil change in my car. Rest assured I will not go back to Valvoline to have it done.
Thanks for the info Bruce.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
I am absolutely surprised in finding out about Ashland Oil/Valvoline's position (at least in Australia) on the gun issue. To think I even considered send my resume to them for a job, glad I never did. No more Ashland/Valvoline products for me.

- Ron V.
