And now the idiots in Phoenix

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New member
Those guys carrying guns openly around Obama in Phoenix were either just fools, or else they are conscious tools of the anti-gun forces. Every pro gun American should understand that there are many people out there like them who are pro gun, and many people unlike them out there who are anti-gun, but that there is also a very large group of people out there who are genuinely undecided on this issue or else don't care about the gun issue either way (so far). These are the "swing votes" and which way they go on guns will ultimately win the day. So if you really want gun control forced upon you by your fellow Americans, no better way could be found to do it than by offending the vast majority of undecided or don't care voters into accomodating you. And one way to offend EVERYBODY but a few nuts is by openly carrying guns to an Obama event in what appears to be a conscious effort to bring up the specter of the assainations of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King. How stupid can these people person be?
Your post is confrontational, forgets to use the Return key to make it legible, cites no resources for your stance and is in general not contributing to the dialogue in the thread already going on this issue.

Reported as such, hoping for it getting closed.
Idiots, fools, or nuts, make up your mind, what are they?

Do you know this personally or do you make such sweeping generalizations about everything?

Little bit of difference between an old lady who refused to give up her seat on a bus and someone carrying a firearm. No one in their right mind can make the argument that an old lady was a threat. No matter what your intentions are, you open carry a firearm into a crowded location, people will be paranoid of your actions.

AZ is an open carry state. Now if you walked around a major metro area with a firearm, how long would it take before you are questioned by police? Open carry or not! Now throw in the fact that it is a major political situation with lots of security.

Lets be realist people, this is not the 1800s.
In her day, Rosa Park's behavior was socially unacceptable to white people, it was illegal, and people of her race were obviously considered threats because that is where all of the Jim Crow laws came from.

I fail to see the difference, myself. But, then again, I did take an oath to support and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

Minorities and women didn't gain civil rights and equality by sitting back and accepting half-a$$ed compromises such as concealed pistol permits and concealed carry only. They got their rights respected by standing up for them aggressively and publicaly.
And one way to offend EVERYBODY but a few nuts is by openly carrying guns to an Obama event in what appears to be a conscious effort to bring up the specter of the assainations of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King. How stupid can these people person be?

Uh, the guy carrying the rifle to the Obama event was an African American, IIRC. How is it that such a fellow would remind folks of the assassination of MLK Jr.?

BTW, I dug the Eotech on his AR. Sweet set-up.

Just wanted to get IBTL... :D
Can we use our keyboard to convey information, instead of stream-of-consciousness thought?

Can we keep these incidents to one thread? Regardless of where, they are one thread.

Closed because the OP is almost unreadable. Closed for not having citations to the reported actvivity. Closed because it's a duplicate of an ongoing thread.
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