analysis paralysis


New member
I keep seeing people that get so wrapped up in "what if's" that it makes my head hurt, from the guy that tapes his mags in, to the old buddy of mine that staggered Hp's & fmj's with a tracer to let him know when he is low in his beretta mags. I admit I used to get wrapped up a little bit, and carried several mags with different ammo types just in case(insert stupid reason), but now, I live with the KISS principle.

I used to analyze data from new ammo and be into the latest and greatest hyper performance hype,but now I have just settled with whatever HP feeds. Maybe I have become too laizze faire about it, but I have other things to worry about than "what if's" and zombie attacks and so on.

I guess I think that if I ever need my guns, I'd rather be thinking of aiming true than trying to remember what's in the pipe.
The "what ifs" stimulate (or should) an analytical approach to all considerations involved in various scenarios and new ones that might emerge. It is also beneficial to develope the ability to think on one's feet as matters occur. In what might be a innumerable variety of circumstances it is important to stimulate reasoned logical approaches, and a continuing developement of ideas. This is how modern practical pistolcraft - and the concepts of fighting - got to where they are now; and even now there is room for new ideas.

While this can progress to the ridiculous, new ideas and some old ones can be examined, compared, dissected, developed, modified - or rejected. It is a matter for the individual to decide, but everyone must have the opportunity at least to consider them all from the tyro to the old hand.
Some people would rather spend their time watching American Idol. Others don't mind spending an evening discussing cartridges. To each his own. Whatever gives your life meaning.
I remember a World's Wildest Police Videos where a jewelry store owner carried a pistol for defense, but hadn't practiced with it enough to remember to click off the "safety" when the SHTF. It nearly cost him his life.

KISS is a very important principle. I carry a Glock 30 and a spare mag, and that's it.
Yekimak, welcome to the next level on your path to enlightenment. 95% of the things people worry about, which include the "what if" scenario, will not help them one whit. The KISS formula is the formula for a happy existence.

There is a difference between thoughtfully analyzing your needs and over thinking. It all starts with being able to objectively look at your needs and skills and go from there. You also have to accept that there is a certain amount of dumb luck in this world, and that you can do everything right and still get killed. When you reach this point you tend to only concentrate on things you can directly control, as well as the things you feel you can influence, and forget the rest.

That's not to say that it isn't fun to debate or discuss certain things. But when it comes down to brass tacks, most people think too much and practice too little.

I know that every single person in TFL forum probably knows this except for me but I am new to all of these terms and want to know. :( What is the KISS principle? (I really have no clue) :rolleyes:


Based on the logic that simplicity decreases the odds of failure. Keeping it simple takes out the possibility of Murphy.... :rolleyes: or at least as much as possible.
I agree that we tend to overcomplicate things. I enjoy a good discussion as much as the next person but I also note that in my area store owners send thugs to the "land of no appeal" on occasion. Those I've met personally have a few things in common. They had a gun, they were willing to use it and they acted without hesitation. None were gun enthusiasts but each had a strong sense of self preservation.

Thank you. Keep It Simple Stupid I’m glad there are two s's in Kiss. I might think you were talking to me ;) just kidding :D
Actually the KISS principle is "I-I-I wanna rock & Roll all night....."

but I digress.

I think some people become a bit ferevent when getting into CCW and personal defense, kinda like born again Christians tend to be a little more over the edge at first and then mellow out.
Wait a minute...

Are you guys implying that I've been wasting my time practicing "duck and cover" drills incase of a nuclear armed mugger? :rolleyes:
Visualization is a powerful tool and can help prevent paralysis

The trick is to use the "what ifs" to help develop the simplest approach to every situation.

Then you won;t spend precious time running through your "list" of possible responses
i completely agree with kiss.... however, i would make two points about all the silly and perhaps rediculous discussion that goes on here.

1)I think sometimes it takes a thousand dumb, silly, bad, rediculous, etc. ideas to get to the one brilliant one... Didnt Edison dicover "a thousand ways NOT to invent the lightbulb" before succeeding?

2)Better to get it out of your system here than when TSHTF....
For what it's worth...I think allot of analysis paralysis comes mostly from enviroment. people that are ready to slap leather at the slightest provocation used to bother me some, until I understood the kind of areas that they were living in. :mad:

Living close to gangbangers, weirdo's, and others who's only goal in life is a PHD in murder, rape, robbery, and mayhem, would keep me on my toes allot more than my current enviroment requires...

Old farts like me probably do employ the KISS formula more because we are tired, and would rather live the rest of our lives to the fullest. So while I don't watch American Idol, I do sit down almost every night to watch the Boston Red Sox. :D For me that sure as hell beats a discussion about cartridges with a group of gunnuts, myself included, of course!!! ;)

So if the BG gets me when I'm not looking, because Big Poppy, or Manny just hit one out...Well, we all have to die of something, sometime... :eek:

Sorry for the ignorance but what is slapping leather?
Does it mean jumpy and grabbing for your gun at the smallest sight of trouble?
Really I do not know what it means. :rolleyes:
Yekimak is heading in the right direction. All the hashing over of scenerios is useless, without a few basics under your belt.
1. you have to have a mindset that will allow you to instantly assess the situation, and if necessary, pull the darn trigger.
2. you have to know your weapon, and load. You have to know how to shoot it accurately. you have to know what it SOUNDS like, and FEELS like, when you pull the trigger. You have to know if you can hit your target in the dark, or in low light situations.
3. your situational awarness has got to better than it probably is for most folks. Constantly watch, and analyze what you see. Look for something 'out of place', or for someone that is watching you. Keep aware of anyone's changing position, relative to yours.
4. Stay the heck away from high risk locations.
5. do not be inflammed by someone's remarks. Just walk away, if possible.
6. getting some training from someone that knows what they are doing is not a bad idea. However, anyone with common sense, and with years of practice, can do about as well on his own.
7. Remember, its a jungle out there, watch your 6
8. very few 'trained gun guys' ever shoot folks. Most citizen shootings are done by common folks, running small businesses, or minding their own business at home.