An Open Letter to President-Elect Dubya Bush


New member
President-Elect George W. Bush
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

RE: To Do List

Dear President-Elect Bush,

A considerable number of the members of this forum have waited patiently for a long time for the privilege of addressing you as President-Elect. We are a forum devoted to issues concerning with Second Amendment to the US Constitution. While we focus on what has turned out to be an attack on a guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, you will see our concerns for the state and health of the Constitution range far beyond the Second Amendment.

I think I can say without much contradiction “As goes the Second Amendment, so goes the Constitution.” The purpose of myself and fellow-form members writing you is to provide a list of things we believe to have gone terribly wrong over the last 8 years as a minimum with respect to the health of our government, our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. My fellow forum members and I offer them in no particular order of importance except for the first one noted.

Please review the attached list and feel free to contact anyone of us should you need clarification. Again, I want to congratulate you on your victory and wish you complete and total success.

To Do

1. All elements of the American military need to see your leadership and see it right now. The abuse to which these people have been subjected for the last 8 years is unacceptable. Morale is at an all-time low. You have access to some of the best military leaders with which I am familiar. Use them to demonstrate help is on the way. Any number of forum members can fill you in on what must be done.
2. The former president executed a large number of Executive Orders, which he used to circumvent the constitution legislative process. These EO’s range from confiscation of private property to vesting governmental agencies with dictatorial power in “national emergencies.” The last 8 years shows we can no longer trust the federal government to obey and uphold the law.
3. With the concurrence of the DOJ, the BATF in particular is adopted a mode of harassing and intimidating those who support and exercise their Second Amendment rights. The Attorney General in particular feels compelled to violate the Brady Act in that information retained during NCIC checks longer than the law requires.
4. With respect to #3 above, the number and provision of law pertaining to gun control has gotten completely out of hand. I would suggest a complete overhaul of gun regulation with a view toward maximizing responsibly our freedoms under the Second Amendment. Advocates of the Second Amendment are not criminal, deranged, dangerous, or sick. We are simply Americans exercising our rights.
5. During the Reagan administration laws were written permitted law enforcement agencies to use the proceeds of drug interdiction to fund department activities. That system is now a threat to civil liberties. I would suggest terminating those provisions of law and folding the proceeds of drug interdiction in the budget. It is not healthy for governmental agencies to have a source of funding apart from the political process.
6. There is a small group of extreme powerful, unknown, unaccountable, and elitist individuals doing significant and profound damage to civil liberties, the rule of law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This group of individuals has been empowered by the past president to effect policy (like Executive Orders) in defiance of the will of Congress. This group of individuals has successfully looted a large American industry (tobacco), sought the breakup of a large, influential and successful company because of its success (Microsoft), sought the destruction of another industry in a willful attempt to change public policy (gun manufacturers), and brought to a standstill a 200+ year old tradition of electing a president. I refer to trial lawyers. ‘Nuf said.
7. Other suggestions by my fellow forum members follow.

[Edited by Waitone on 12-14-2000 at 07:16 PM]
I'm in. But if you check out the petition that I still haven't sent to Bush and Jim Nicholson, you'll see that there's a bit under 11,000 signatures. And that was after emailing every gun club officer and organization member that can be found on the net. So that's probably eight or ten signatures for every contact made.

The mailing address is George W. Bush, Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428

I'm in. The only thing I would add is that I voted for him because he says he trusts the American people to run their own lives. I would like to see him prove it. Return control of the people TO the people. (Or words to that effect)

Monkeyleg-What petition? I must have missed it, where is it, can I still sign it?
I would add:

The wilfull inclusion of language deep down in the recesses of the pages of offered (and pending/passed) legislation by which personal rights, including 2nd Amendment rights, are subjourned, diluted and otherwise attacked.

I daresay that other constitutional infringements are buried in the same manner in order to bypass the Congress.

My letter to Prez Bush

You and I realize that GWB will never ever see the letters that we write. That will all be handled by staffers. Having said that, my letter started out to be four pages long. I agonzingly trimmed it to about a page and a half. I am going to send both versions to GWB staffers on the contention that the short one is 'direct and to the point' while the longer one explains my wishes in detail. Here is the 'short one'. I have listed it on another thread.
George W. Bush
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, Texas 78711-2428

President Bush,
I wish to extend my congratulations on winning the 2000 Presidential Election. This is an historic time. You and the Republicans probably won't get another chance to right all the wrongs that have been done to this country if you don't ACT NOW and steer our ship of state into safe harbor. The Democrats have steered our ship of state into socialistic waters far too long. It is time that the conservatives cease their ‘compromising' with the liberals and finally take a stand.

1. Disband the IRS.

2. Pass tort reform.

3. Pass election finance reform.

4. Strengthen our military.

5. Repeal all gun control acts.

6. Put everybody into Social Security.

7. Remove us from the United Nations.

8. Repeal all of the federal welfare, education and housing programs.

9. End the ‘War on Drugs' and pardon over 1 million political prisoners.

10. Repeal ALL Executive Orders and Presidential Directives, current and future.

Finally, you need to go on television and tell the country EXACTLY what you will do over the next four years. Tell us that you expect divisiveness and protraction from the left, especially in the media. Regarding the media, I suggest that all Republicans go on the offensive against the media. Make sure that EVERY cameraman, reporter, editor, publisher and owner of a media outlet understand that if they continue distorting the truth, you will no longer allow them nor anyone from their organization access to any of your portion of the government. If we all end up going to FOX NEWS to get the truth on a daily basis, so be it. Tell us that you will stand tough and not waiver on all the ‘goals' you have set out and then stand tough and don't waiver. When the Democrats demagogue the issues, they will be seen as the dividers of this country.

Tell us about your belief in God and how this country was FOUNDED by people who also believed that God should guide this country. That we should all worship ‘the God of our choice' across the land. Then ask that God guide and keep us all, especially all our other leaders, in the coming trials and tribulations of the months ahead. Ask them to pray for you, asking God to grant you the wisdom necessary to bring this country back on track.



As you can see, we pretty much touch on all the same issues. I tried NOT to include all the verbage into the 'short letter' on the hope that my ten points MIGHT actually be read by a very tired, very busy staff member who MIGHT actually include those ten points in his talking memo to GWB when he asks 'what does the mail say'. I understand that GWB has been deluged by letters from his supporters JUST LIKE yours and mine from all over the country. We all pretty much say "time for the Republicans to stand and deliver".

Unfortunately I don't see that happening. I personally feel that GWB is truly NO DIFFERENT that Al Gore. Yeah, they have a few minor differences. But they argued over HOW MUCH we should spend on presciption care for elderly, NOT whether the federal government should actually be involved in all of this. So, like his Daddy, expect GWB to role over on all our rights and then blame those 'Bad Ol' Democrats' and then expect us to vote for him in 2004.

Me, I'm gonna try and get Jesse Ventura to run from Prez in 2004 and ask to be a volunteer on his campaign staff. Cause that's the only way to stop all this socialistic madness.
The link for the petition is . Like Waitone, I'm trying to think of a way to write a cover letter so that it _will_ make its way to the intended party. In this case, that's Jim Nicholson, chairman of the RNC.

As I see it, the first RKBA issue will be the gun show bill. If Bush signs that, the handwriting on the wall is clear. If the Repubs can keep it from ever coming to a vote, that's ok. 61% of gun owners voted for Bush, perhaps a significantly larger percentage of our group than other demographics. He has to understand that without us he never would have won. We gave him roughly 40-some million votes.

Let's keep the pressure on.
