An odd question. Looking for quality pictures of women in body armor/uniform W/guns

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New member
Okay, this is vaguely firearms related, and I'll understand if the mods decide to close this thread.

I'm trying to find quality pictures of women, in uniform or body armor, performing combat training with firearms or what have you. Good search has yielded only so much, a lot of which unfortunately tends to be from Hollywood films and is very inaccurate to how firearms should actually be used.

I'm trying to use these pictures so that I can get an idea on how to draw some characters for a project of mine. I'm not looking for a women clad in bikini Kevlar. I want real people, in serious scenarios, either training or in completion.

Does anyone have some ideas on where I can go to look for something like this? I was also thinking of looking at pictures of the women's 3 gun tournaments or IDPSA or other similar competitions to at least get a good idea of proper stance and so on (despite armor and such not being a thing during such competitions)
I really doubt you see many women or anyone else wearing body armor in USPSA or 3-gun matches.

You can see their styles on the Outdoor Channel where they cover such events. The ladies I've seen dress like everyone else, meaning they dress to allow access to mags, ammo, etc yet gives them the freedom of movement since such matches are won and lost on speed.

You can find STAGED photos on Face Book where scantly clad women are adorned in armor, bandoliers, and enough guns to drown a good horse in river crossings.

I personal believe these staged photos degrade women and the shooting sports.

You don't find women shooting such competitions in halter tops, and some range officers (including my self) wont allow such clothing on the range. Hot brass down the shirt tends to be a safety problem to the wearer and anyone on the range.

Most cops, male and female wear vest. But in both cases, if the vest fits and is worn properly, you shouldn't be able to detect they are wearing the Armored Vest.
A good place to start would be a search for "women of the IDF".

There are probably some pictures out there of Kinessa Johnson that would serve well as photo reference. There may be some NSFW content in there as well.

I make these suggestions solely from a figure artist's perspective.
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